Starting to get resionous. :)


Well-Known Member
Really? This is my first grow so I dont really know what to expect the buds to look like once they're done, and I don't have a clue on the yield.

TO be honest, I dont even know how to harvest yet!
Here is a picture to get rid of the cotton-mouth.

AND SOME COLAS to get it back. you got 1 minute until 4;20

Thanks for all the nice compliments! this place is my motivation. :D well kinda.


Well-Known Member
yeah ... my one plant that was male would be bigger than that by now .. but you know .. i get dicked ... and my smallest plant that was half eaten and topped by a deer was my only female... yeah that one nice looking plant is a male ... and today its leaves were taco'ing .. probably because i overloaded on nutes... but my female didnt have any issues ..



Well-Known Member
Holy crap the second picture is that the male? Those leaves look so damn healthy its not even funny.