Starting to worry...........


Active Member
Just wondering guys, whats the longest you have ever waited for seeds to arrive in the US? Im on the north east coast, just wondering if anyone else has waited for an exceptionally long time.

Its been 22 days now and I am starting to worry.

Anyone ever caught buying seeds?

I guess you get a letter stating your shits been confiscated, but I haven't recieved shit...

Ordered from Nirvana, 2 orders have came through in about or less than 2 weeks. .. A little reassurance would be what I need.. Hope someone has a positive story to share!


Well-Known Member
they dont send a letter they dont really care they just toss them when they find them unless you got a bunch


Well-Known Member
Its never taken more then 2 weeks for me my man

iv never have ordered from nirvana before though but i have heard good things about them

maybe its just running a little late ,

do they have contact info so you can send them an email and check on it ?


Well-Known Member
It could be held up in US customs. I ordered a computer mouse from Hong Hong and it took about 25 days. Send them an e-mail and ask them for a shipment confirmation, tracking number or any info they can give you.


Well-Known Member
idk where there based but my friend from Germany got mail from his family over there and it took like a month so idk ive heard it can be up to 2 months but i dont really know