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hey guys
without repeating myself with another introductory post I will just go right into it
I had a CFL grow that failed (my own stupidity) and now I will be attempting an HID grow on a budget (aren't we all). I'm an economist by qualification (some may argue born that way) so I wanted to maximise the lumens, minimise the temperature fluctuations and do it with as little money spent. The idea being on the next grow I would then be able to purchase better equipment with the harvest funds.
I used a larger cupboard in my CFL grow but I'm thinking the smaller cupboard will assist with containing lumens- I only intend to grow one plant.
The whole process started towards the end of last year and the first point of call was the ballasts. I managed to purchase three second hand High Beam lights for R450 (thats Rands, divide by 10 to get dollars or euros- yes my currency is weak!). I thought it was a good deal, came with three ballasts and three aluminium reflectors (which I will be using for other lighting requirements) and three MH bulbs.
Onto the reflector, given its a small area, 620mm x 550mm (2ft x 1.8ft maybe) I wanted to have a customised air cooled reflector since an off the shelf air cooled unit costs R3000- I wasn't prepaid to spend that much money, infact I would like to keep the total build cost well under that figure. Also at the risk of stating the obvious and air cooled reflector would assist with reducing temperature fluctuations. Moreover in my view the reflector is the most important bit of my grow cupboard, so I had to go about about it reasonably carefully and not rush to get it done.
The first component, the glass, was easy to source and I managed to get it for free, it was treated to handle the heat the HID bulbs will emit- that was the easy part.
After some brief incomplete research I decided to use stainless steel for the reflective bit. Having read a few posts the general feeling I got is that it is a good material to use but generally expensive.
I struggled to find professional fabricators but I managed to get a quote of around R1400 for a customised unit. Nothing terribly fancy but I couldn't find anyone to actually do it (service is extremely poor in this country). After struggling for three months I stumbled across a fabricator while driving to another one, stopped, asked the guy if he could make one and he said no problem, 20 minutes later and at a cost of R200 I was a happy customer with my new stainless steel reflector! The total cost to date for my aircooled reflector is now R200!
This is how it currently looks, the bulb is mounted with double sided tape and resting on the adaptor plug just for illustrative purposes. I will take other pics of the reflector but you can see the top is angled downwards so it has an upside down W shape. The reflector is not perfect and was a thumb suck but I'm hoping it will do the job well given that I spent very little on it.
And that is sort of where I am now with my grow room. The next stage is to make 6" holes on the sides and install a 6" extractor fan with the necessary ducting. It sounds simple but I live in an apartment complex, have no tools here and I wish to minimise the dust as it is literally in my bedroom. A 6" hole saw would be perfect but I don't think they make them that size, the biggest I can find is 3".
Some points to note at this stage
* I will not be using the bulb in the picture, I will be buying a clear tubular MH bulb (R350). I already bought a 400w HPS bulb for R80!
* The ballast is 10m away, the power cable cost R130! over half the cost of the reflector itself.
* I will be using new extractor fans, they cost about R300 each
* Ducting will pose some problems in terms of getting it out of my bedroom and still looking inconspicuous.
* Once done everything will be sealed with weather strips around the edges.
* Total cost of my build so far is R860.
The main stumbling block at this point is the cupboard wall on the right, as you can see it is cherry brown, the back wall is actually concrete so that may also assist with cooling (in winter). I do not want to paint it so I will have to cover it with some white hardboard (not sure what they call it elsewhere but its like very thin flexible processed wood).
But first things first.... I need to get the 6" holes to keep the reflector cool.
without repeating myself with another introductory post I will just go right into it
I had a CFL grow that failed (my own stupidity) and now I will be attempting an HID grow on a budget (aren't we all). I'm an economist by qualification (some may argue born that way) so I wanted to maximise the lumens, minimise the temperature fluctuations and do it with as little money spent. The idea being on the next grow I would then be able to purchase better equipment with the harvest funds.
I used a larger cupboard in my CFL grow but I'm thinking the smaller cupboard will assist with containing lumens- I only intend to grow one plant.
The whole process started towards the end of last year and the first point of call was the ballasts. I managed to purchase three second hand High Beam lights for R450 (thats Rands, divide by 10 to get dollars or euros- yes my currency is weak!). I thought it was a good deal, came with three ballasts and three aluminium reflectors (which I will be using for other lighting requirements) and three MH bulbs.
Onto the reflector, given its a small area, 620mm x 550mm (2ft x 1.8ft maybe) I wanted to have a customised air cooled reflector since an off the shelf air cooled unit costs R3000- I wasn't prepaid to spend that much money, infact I would like to keep the total build cost well under that figure. Also at the risk of stating the obvious and air cooled reflector would assist with reducing temperature fluctuations. Moreover in my view the reflector is the most important bit of my grow cupboard, so I had to go about about it reasonably carefully and not rush to get it done.
The first component, the glass, was easy to source and I managed to get it for free, it was treated to handle the heat the HID bulbs will emit- that was the easy part.
After some brief incomplete research I decided to use stainless steel for the reflective bit. Having read a few posts the general feeling I got is that it is a good material to use but generally expensive.
I struggled to find professional fabricators but I managed to get a quote of around R1400 for a customised unit. Nothing terribly fancy but I couldn't find anyone to actually do it (service is extremely poor in this country). After struggling for three months I stumbled across a fabricator while driving to another one, stopped, asked the guy if he could make one and he said no problem, 20 minutes later and at a cost of R200 I was a happy customer with my new stainless steel reflector! The total cost to date for my aircooled reflector is now R200!
This is how it currently looks, the bulb is mounted with double sided tape and resting on the adaptor plug just for illustrative purposes. I will take other pics of the reflector but you can see the top is angled downwards so it has an upside down W shape. The reflector is not perfect and was a thumb suck but I'm hoping it will do the job well given that I spent very little on it.

And that is sort of where I am now with my grow room. The next stage is to make 6" holes on the sides and install a 6" extractor fan with the necessary ducting. It sounds simple but I live in an apartment complex, have no tools here and I wish to minimise the dust as it is literally in my bedroom. A 6" hole saw would be perfect but I don't think they make them that size, the biggest I can find is 3".
Some points to note at this stage
* I will not be using the bulb in the picture, I will be buying a clear tubular MH bulb (R350). I already bought a 400w HPS bulb for R80!
* The ballast is 10m away, the power cable cost R130! over half the cost of the reflector itself.
* I will be using new extractor fans, they cost about R300 each
* Ducting will pose some problems in terms of getting it out of my bedroom and still looking inconspicuous.
* Once done everything will be sealed with weather strips around the edges.
* Total cost of my build so far is R860.
The main stumbling block at this point is the cupboard wall on the right, as you can see it is cherry brown, the back wall is actually concrete so that may also assist with cooling (in winter). I do not want to paint it so I will have to cover it with some white hardboard (not sure what they call it elsewhere but its like very thin flexible processed wood).
But first things first.... I need to get the 6" holes to keep the reflector cool.