A few years ago I mistakingly thru like a g of bud in my suitcase..
I had bought some of that camel snuz stuff for the 9 hour plane ride.. basically spit less chewing tobacco .. I had like s g of bud.. rolled a j, and thru the rest in the camel tin so it wouldn't just be laying around the house as my family stops by time to time..
About 10 minutes before I leave for the.airport, see the snuz sitting on the coffee table, pick it up not even thinking and thru it on top of.my carry on luggage.. get to the airport and got searched and of course they found it.. I try explaining myself but of course they weren't hearing any of.it.. get thrown in jail at the airport, missed my flight, missed meeting my gf in NYC..
Get transferred to a real jail and finally get out on ror around 3am.. fucking airport sent my one luggage to Italy w/out me.. had to buy a new roundtrip Tix to Milan.. about $1600 or so ..
Finally a few weeks later go to court and only had to pay like $150 fine and it don't go on your record or anything..
What a fucking nightmare though, especially for a stupid mistake on my part.. never never never again ..