static full melt dry sift

A couple times I have made dry sieve hash with my trim, dry ice, a bucket, and a bubble bag. i put the trim and dry ice the 5 gal. bucket and put the yellow bubble bag(don't know micron) over the top of the bucket. then shake shake shake... it looks very similar to the effect of using a very big screen. The dry ice freezes the trim and the heads fall right through the bubble bag. I wonder if your "carding" method would do well for me with my process. I will try, make a video, and post that ho... lol. I hope it works the same.... Usually I end up with ounces of kief, but I never knew how to purify it. very interesting. will try with my next harvest! Or now that I think about it, I could just use the finer micron bubble bag that produces full melt and I wouldn't have to purify anything... :)
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^^ Def. a good idea.. but the capitate stalks find their way through..

By using a dry ice method, you freeze the material, and it fragments.. into.. fragments.. put a microscope on it and a lot of what goes through the bag will be *not* resin glands.
I have noticed that SOME plant matter does get through. I have put a 30X Loupe on it and I can definitely see more Trichomes than plant matter, but this is why I am interested in refining it to be all full melt. I like the static idea and will try it in the future :)

p.s. I believe the capitate stalks do contain other cannabinoids such as CBN CBG and CBA's which can be beneficial in the treatment of chronic pain, and such... I may be wrong, but I read that somewhere along the way
[QUOTE="p.s. I believe the capitate stalks do contain other cannabinoids such as CBN CBG and CBA's which can be beneficial in the treatment of chronic pain, and such... I may be wrong, but I read that somewhere along the way[/QUOTE]
No the stalks do not contain cannabinoids, cannabinoids are formed in the trichomes heads
p.s. I believe the capitate stalks do contain other cannabinoids such as CBN CBG and CBA's which can be beneficial in the treatment of chronic pain, and such... I may be wrong, but I read that somewhere along the way
No it is made in the head, but the trichome stalks without heads (glandular hairs) are made of cells that will mineralize. That hardens the hairs so that they will impale crawling/soft bodied insects and strengthens the defensive system. I would guess mineralization would also cause more fragmentation of it. Maybe it could be softened in some way and then the stalk wouldn't break all the time and fall through the screens. IDK just a thought. . .
BTW where is uramag? FC if he doesn't pop up soon I guess I could sub for him at the cup. I don't have a horse in this race, but it would be fun anyway.
Very interesting. Im going to try my method with the purple bubble bag ( don't know micron, but its the finer screen) and then try the static carding method.
On a different note, a buddy of mine has the hook on tanks of gas. Like nitrous, co2, butane, propane, etc. I want to experiment with using nitrous oxide with a tamisium extractor ( closed system oil extractors : ) and see what kind of product comes out. We're going to buy a 60 lb. nitrous tank and collaborate with all of our collective trim... probably close to 5-7 lbs of trim.
Im sure we're going to crush it. Last time with butane we yielded over 12 oz.s of crumbly, tan colored, wax. I will post some pics when we take on this venture! Any of you "hash-onistas" ever make oil with nO2?

as far as the capitate stalks having any sort of cannabinoids, it makes me think of my high school years. We would smoke mexican brick weed all day. That crap never had ANY trichomes on it, and still got us higher than some of todays, lower end buds ever have... Now i know, i know, its all about the trichs, and I'm sure SOME were in there, but you sure as hell couldn't see them. Ive seen buddies who have strains that are degrading because they have cloned, clones for years. Their buds look good and have mad trichs on them, but don't get you very high at all because the genetics are weakening.

Granted that was in Texas, and 15-20 years ago you were hard pressed to find really good indoor down south. Maybe 1 out of every 20 bags we happened to score some good indoor. Man, am I happy I live in Oregon now. Thanks to growers like us, we have put the evolution of pot breeding into fast forward, creating stronger, danker strains.

anyway i got way off topic.
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Ive seen buddies who have strains that are degrading because they have cloned, clones for years. Their buds look good and have mad trichs on them, but don't get you very high at all because the genetics are weakening.
Uhh, clones are identical genetic copies of the mother? Iv never noticed a decrease in potency.....
I have. I have taken clones from clones from clones etc etc. and the strains definitely degraded. I had a lemon diesel that lost its size, potency and even ended up turning hermaphrodite on me regularly. needless to say I got rid of it
All depends on the grower to maintain the clones integrity,
Little mistakes lead to the slow degradation of the clone.

And it seems to coincide with the growers level of passion for said genetics.
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I have a couple strains that I have cloned for about 4 years. No mothers. Clones of clones. One is Blue Magoo. These clones are still as stable as the seeds that I popped were. The next one is Blue Dream. You would have to be the worst grower ever to fuck up a blue dream plant. These clones are still kicking strong after about 10-15 gen.s of cuttings. The next was a Lemon Diesel. The same cloning process. These clones quite invariable have deteriorated. I am a very diligent grower, and put hours of work in the room everyday, so to say that my lemon degraded due to my inability to grow, is not fair. I feel that these genetics were never properly stabilized. Maybe the breeder never back crossed it to get its genes really good and strong. Who knows. I do know for sure that its not just an "old wives tale" as I have seen it happen with 2 other growers besides myself.
I do know for sure that its not just an "old wives tale"
like 90% of what you've said is an old wives tale. I ignored you for the most part so that we wouldn't go down that road, but here we are. Thread derailed and the topic is the ultimate thread killer "clone degradation." Please take it elsewhere.
To clarify(sorry to derail)....

@penguinking ; you are a an awesome grower bro,
Never said you were a bad grower, the degradation most likely occurred before it was in your hands.

I know a lot of growers ,we are a large circle, and we pass on the EXACT same cuts and/or seed.

Some guys continue to absolutely nail the grow, while some.... Just keep fucking up the cut, then they pass the "fucked" cut on to somebody who hasn't grown the cut yet, and they end up with hermed out harvests.
This happens with seeds as well as clones.

Sorry to go off topic.
Just wanted to be clear, I'm not picking on anybody.

Respect to all
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