Stay away from


Active Member
The site looked legit and the prices were good so maybe I've been to hasty but after 2 weeks without a shipping confirmation and no replies to my emails Ive opened up a
dispute with paypal over my purchase from them.:fire:
Lesson Learned though,I'll always look at reputation first then price.


I got sucked in to, it was a convincing scam. I wished I had saw this thread before I ordered on the 25th. My money will be tied up for weeks before I get it back, but at least I'll get it back thanks to paypal and plastic.


Well-Known Member
sucks man =( I always go through HTG Supply. They may not be the cheapest but I get a human on the phone and they take care of shit fast. They also pay for return shipping when somethings not right. Good folk in my book. I'm no sales person, but I've bought a 1000w system and 400w system along with a ton of other crap and they've always been on the up and up with me. Just my .02