LED growers are the most snobby stubborn jerky people on the thread,
yes and as long as your comment is PRO led then we welcome it
all this coming from YOU. the guy who comes on and fucks up every LED thread out there.

if you actualy have somethign to contribute then DO IT. dont just post USELESS SHIT on a thread we r trying to keep on track.

P.S learn to use the EDIT Button. Double posting is against the rules and you just posted SIX POSTS IN A ROW.

you are too weak minded to debate me with logic
yealy, were weak minded? you still cant even USE Logic. you are the most illogical, irrational person i have met on here.
you still havnt; been able to debate me on THIS point:
and if you take the Context you put it Into "UV Lights, Thus LED Lights are BAD for you", the context means you were saying a MH was better than LED because it has no UV/B lighting.

on the Contrary, LED's are actualy BETTER than MH on that factor, UV/B Lighting. i have to add 2 aditional bulbs, per Square meter to actualy equal the suns UV/B Spectrum in my MH and HPS rooms.
your still back there in the Dust saying MH is better because of what, less UV/B? LMFAO.

Unlike you, some of us are actualy contributing good information. i absolutely hate people like you who have no use, you just sit back there rambling on about nothing and think your the king of the world.
all this coming from YOU. the guy who comes on and fucks up every LED thread out there.

if you actualy have somethign to contribute then DO IT. dont just post USELESS SHIT on a thread we r trying to keep on track.

P.S learn to use the EDIT Button. Double posting is against the rules and you just posted SIX POSTS IN A ROW.

each post was to a different reaponce........ and like i said if i wasnt attacked and diddnt see such stubborn ness then i wouldnt post such things......but i post as i see em....and its not just me .....Like i said earlyer i talk to growers all the time from my work at the club and the hydro store they all say the same thing " led growers seem to be way more snobby then any other grower" this isnt just my pooint of view its alot of people...... just like i said before the boss of the store said he has LED growers and he cant even discuss tech with them becuase he said they freak out too easly so he avoids the topic all togeather .....well im not scared of confirtation like he is so i dont care if you guys freak out......
Sides dont matter , valued information rocks - if you have something to add - do so - i just do not see the need for "Aggressive Typing" even if i agree with some of your points -

im aggrassive with people who are aggrissive with me.....if post a valued point and you attack me solely becuae my name is footclan and you dont like me then you are bias and everything you say means nothing......If you hate me and still see someting i say t hat makes sense and agree then you are not bias...but simply disagreeing with me because you dont like me means you are bias and a fool.. and when i say you i dont mena YOU i mean who ever is disagreeing with me soley because they dont like me not because they disagree with what im saying.....
LMFAO this is awsome, you "work in a store" so you have some authority on LED Lights?

i bet your that guy at the hydro store who gets stumped every time a real grower comes up to you and asks you a REAL grow question...... everyone who has ever bought from the hydro store knows a guy like that.

thinks he knows everything, but the only thing he knows is his Chair :D

P.S: Double posting again. with all this reporting going on theres got to be some attention soon..... breaking all of these rules and such. i bet you havn't even read the 12 line terms of service lmfao.
further more corbat is way off when he attacted me for what i said about MH not giving off UVB....hes responce didnt even make sense to what i said......I was saying that MH dosent give off alot of UVB rays THAT WAS IT!! some how he turned that into it having to do with LEDS... my coment had nothing to do with LEDS it was about MH and how it dosent give of alot of some how he turned that into attacking me...and then im the one who is runining the thread?? this is the shit im talking about..... you guys are like blinded by your hate for me........ which means you bias......
Led growers are more snobby than other growers ? do you realise how ridiculous that sounds ? Its like anything in life , they have made an investment and are putting forth there argument in what they believe works ?? in stealth cases , i have seen them work with my own eyes , we are debating if they are ready for commercial use or how long we are likely to have to wait , all you seem to be doing is stereotyping Led growers and sticking your chest out , calm down man....:eyesmoke:
you think with 9 posts in the last 5 mins you would have something to contribute.

guess not.

which means you bias......

yea, i AM Bias, Against IGNORANCE. i HATE Ignorance. you have been ignoring the whole fucking thing. A DISCUSSION ON COMMERCIAL LED LIGHTING.
LMFAO this is awsome, you "work in a store" so you have some authority on LED Lights?

i bet your that guy at the hydro store who gets stumped every time a real grower comes up to you and asks you a REAL grow question...... everyone who has ever bought from the hydro store knows a guy like that.

thinks he knows everything, but the only thing he knows is his Chair :D

P.S: Double posting again. with all this reporting going on theres got to be some attention soon..... breaking all of these rules and such. i bet you havn't even read the 12 line terms of service lmfao.

there you ago again assuming because i work in a hydro store that my point is less valid........ like i said BIAS and has nothing to do with the fact that my boss said he has LED grower freinds and he cant talk to them about led tech becuase they freak out..... that sentense has NOTHING to do with your lack of service at your local hydro store......once again attacking me with bias comments.....
im aggrassive with people who are aggrissive with me.....if post a valued point and you attack me solely becuae my name is footclan and you dont like me then you are bias and everything you say means nothing......If you hate me and still see someting i say t hat makes sense and agree then you are not bias...but simply disagreeing with me because you dont like me means you are bias and a fool.. and when i say you i dont mena YOU i mean who ever is disagreeing with me soley because they dont like me not because they disagree with what im saying.....
I do not like or dislike you fgs, i dont even know you ? you are an information source , and an aggressive 1.
yes i htink they are snobby i work in a hydro store and cannibas despensary and weather or not you like that i dont give a shit but that dosent change the fact that i talk to more growers in a day then you do all week on here and based on that yes i feel and so do the people i work with that led growers or of course you led growers dont think that becuase you are LED GROWERS.....LOL but yes im a troll and everything im saying is false of course..... lol
yes i htink they are snobby i work in a hydro store and cannibas despensary and weather or not you like that i dont give a shit but that dosent change the fact that i talk to more growers in a day then you do all week on here and based on that yes i feel and so do the people i work with that led growers or of course you led growers dont think that becuase you are LED GROWERS.....LOL but yes im a troll and everything im saying is false of course..... lol

there you go again "" i work in a hydro store and cannibas despensary and weather or not you like that i dont give a shit""
i dont care to be spoken to that way , so i will no longer add to this thread, good day to you footclan have fun....
i am posting one last time in hopes that this thread can be saved.

this thread CAN be saved IF:
#1 ignore footclan. goto his "profile" and click ignore. he wont bother you any more.
#2 start a New Page with a Quote of the vital information (My pro / Con list is a good place to start).
and you are going to attack my job? that shows what kinda person you are....... thats like telling an machanic " oh you think you know someting about cars just becaues you work on them??" most places i take my care they fuck my car up so anyone who works at a car shop most not know anything.......?? right thats bascialy what you just said with your hydropincs store remark i must not know anything because i work at a hydro store annd every hydro store you go to they must not know anything?? i get all your weak minded attemps to discreedit me which only makes you look foolish really.....

EVEN IF I know NOTHING about hydroponics and even if i was the dumpest employyee in the store that wouldnt change the fact that i TALK to growers all day....So if a grower comes in and i say "hey what do you think about LED growers" and they say " oh gosh i cant stand them they are so snobby and think they know everyting" then thats someones opinion and wouldnt matter HOW STUPID I AM its still here opinion and has NOTHING do with how much I KNOW or DONT know... so based on the fact that i ASK all growers what they think and 85 percent tell me they think led growers have attitude tells me that alot of people think the same way i do.....THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME WORKIN At HYDRO SHOP . so you trying to discredit my obsersevation from workin at a hydro store is FAIL.....
there you go again "" i work in a hydro store and cannibas despensary and weather or not you like that i dont give a shit""
i dont care to be spoken to that way , so i will no longer add to this thread, good day to you footclan have fun....

if ya cant handle aposing view points then ya you better leave and put me on thats what weakminded people do
if ya cant handle aposing view points then ya you better leave and put me on thats what weakminded people do
difference of viewpoint is 1 thing - An illiterate aggressive abusive argument creating arse-hole like yourself , is completely another.
and you are going to attack my job? that shows what kinda person you are....... thats like telling an machanic " oh you think you know someting about cars just becaues you work on them??" most places i take my care they fuck my car up so anyone who works at a car shop most not know anything.......?? right thats bascialy what you just said with your hydropincs store remark i must not know anything because i work at a hydro store annd every hydro store you go to they must not know anything?? i get all your weak minded attemps to discreedit me which only makes you look foolish really.....

EVEN IF I know NOTHING about hydroponics and even if i was the dumpest employyee in the store that wouldnt change the fact that i TALK to growers all day....So if a grower comes in and i say "hey what do you think about LED growers" and they say " oh gosh i cant stand them they are so snobby and think they know everyting" then thats someones opinion and wouldnt matter HOW STUPID I AM its still here opinion and has NOTHING do with how much I KNOW or DONT know... so based on the fact that i ASK all growers what they think and 85 percent tell me they think led growers have attitude tells me that alot of people think the same way i do.....THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME WORKIN At HYDRO SHOP . so you trying to discredit my obsersevation from workin at a hydro store is FAIL.....

You're making a claim about all LED growers based on your small experience, in one area, of one state, in one country.

At best, you could claim that you HEAR that LED growers in your area are snobby.

EDIT: Also, on your "mechanics rant", you're not a mechanic - you're someone who speaks with SOME mechanics in ONE shop (if we want to entertain this analogy). If I go to a Porsche dealer what do you think the chances are of them giving me accurate, unbiased, opinions on a Maserati? And the car analogy doesn't really work either, because HID growers in your area might very well know snobbish LED growers, but not neccessarily everywhere else, but a Corolla is a Corolla anywhere you go and doesn't share the same differences pertaining to geography....

Just some food for thought...
what i actualy think is most LED owners are so pissed off that they actually got lured into this that they have no choice not to back up LEd :)) when you actually think about LED its for growers who are so paranoid about there power bill its what it really comes down to ????? i think my razor has like 280 watts of power :)) i seriously dont think you will ever see any comercial growers growing with them EVER would take a shit load of money to even start up lol try growing 3000 + plants under LED :))
what i actualy think is most LED owners are so pissed off that they actually got lured into this that they have no choice not to back up LEd :)) when you actually think about LED its for growers who are so paranoid about there power bill its what it really comes down to ????? i think my razor has like 280 watts of power :)) i seriously dont think you will ever see any comercial growers growing with them EVER would take a shit load of money to even start up lol try growing 3000 + plants under LED :))

Sure, but I'm interested in the technology due to the fact I hate light bulbs. It's not rational, it's a condition I can't really do much about, it stems from an anxiety disorder. I only need a few plants and things that pop freak me out, so LEDs hold a certain allure, and a lot of potential for someone on my scale.
what i actualy think is most LED owners are so pissed off that they actually got lured into this that they have no choice not to back up LEd :)) when you actually think about LED its for growers who are so paranoid about there power bill its what it really comes down to ????? i think my razor has like 280 watts of power :)) i seriously dont think you will ever see any comercial growers growing with them EVER would take a shit load of money to even start up lol try growing 3000 + plants under LED :))

Watch this

Watch this

Please dont take this the wrong way but that is not a journal , those lights (leds) could have been hung above those plants easily , im looking for a logged journal , thats just a glorified advert , nice watch tho