Stay Grounded - When You Break Down


Everyone can or may experience a "bad" or dark trip.

Here is a guide to help anyone out of an unpleasant experience:

Set and Setting - Set and Setting is the location of the current trip and the trippers current mind set. If the current set and setting is causing the unpleasant trip, You must change it as soon as possible. This can be done by turning on soothing music. Going outside. Rolling up in blankets and pillows. Lighting a candle or fire. Turning off the lights and using LED colored lasers. Burning sage or Palo Santo. Even having crystals around are great to distract a "bad" trip. Especially Black Tourmaline, Selenite, Smokey Quartz, and Blue Kyanite.

Stay Calm - When anyone is in a psychedelic altered state, They are extremely sensitive to Theirs senses and surrounding vibrations. This goes hand in hand with Set and Setting. To ease a trip is to stay calm and not freak out. The last thing a person having a dark trip needs is to have another person join Them and freak out even more.

Ground Yourselves - Give the tripper some space. Use tools to ground/distract both You and the person having the experience. Dance and sing, while leaving the person tripping entertained in awe with glassy eyes. Use positive but grounding distractions. Be creative and use Your set and setting to help You distract the tripper away from the darkness into the light. Water is an excellent tool to help ground so is a calm meditation. The best tools that modern and traditional shaman use is burning Sage or Palo Santo [holy wood] also a low toned drum in a steady beat. If the drum does not work; finding music that the person is familiar with will work, as long as it will ground that person and keep Them in a positive mind set.

Do NOT over analyze - The number one cause of unpleasant trips are over analyzations. Distractions prevent anyone, including YOURSELF, from over analyzing the situation. Just like in this paragraph this <--------- is a distraction from what We are focusing on....See how easy it is??? The more one feeds the over analyzation, especially the tripper, this can cause panic; which can lead to the tripper to potentially harming YOU, Them self, or anyone else present. This one time I used My long sleeve colorful tye dye shirt to wave in front of the trippers face while dancing. This distracted Him so much that it instantly took Him out of a state of panic into a state of tranquility.
so heatless what would u recommend doing when your tripping by yourself?
lmfao this retarded senile old bastard don't even know what hes talking about
I though you sent me drunken hate mail lastnight before your beddytime. Kept calling me a faggot and then in the same breath, pleaded with me to 'suck his cock'.

lmfao this retarded senile old bastard don't even know what hes talking about
Don't lie homophobe boy. If you're gay, all you have to do is say something. We can get you lots of dick. Just keep up with the private hate mail and I got your back.

#drunk as fuck
#20 year old virgin
#still tripping on shrooms
#just one time
Thought you had that condition where you're permanently still tripping from taking mushrooms just one time.
I though you sent me drunken hate mail lastnight before your beddytime. Kept calling me a faggot and then in the same breath, pleaded with me to 'suck his cock'.
#drunk as fuck
#20 year old virgin
a homophobic dropout

lol thats 4 things u got wrong about me now, good job, get your facts straight brah u might actually succeed in hurting my feelings then lol
not trying to hurt your feelings, but since you bring it up...obviously you are troubled by continuing to send me more private hate mail, yet again today.

you clearly are a homophobe with your incessant use of the word faggot, followed by pleas asking me to "suck your cock".

I'm also correect about you being a #20 year old virgin and #drunk as fuck.
Ok, so you've has sex one time on your life. And it still counts, even though it was with a male "friend" so you're good there. One-time is a pretty good track record!

How about the #drunk as fuck? Or the #unemployed ? Are you making any progress in life #bumwater? have a good one :)