Steakbomb's Quantum Closet

I think this forum and GC are built on tapatalk... Or at least use tapatalk for mobile. Looks like tapatalk has a free option. I may see about setting up a "Marijuanalytics" forum this weekend...

OG's blogspot idea is a step in the right direction... but we need to be able to "like" posts and also shitpost with gifs and stuff more easily...

I'm open to workshopping forum names with you guys... I like marijuanalytics... or Cannasseurs.... or QuantumBoardSecretSociety...
i don't think the secret society is the right fit - exclusionary by default

Cannasseurs is pretty awesome! pinky's up!

I'm in IT for a living, let me know where i can be of assistance.
Lol, I guess I should check post updates before starting a PM.

I like the Cannasseurs name too!

Should we maybe have OG do the creation of the group in tapatalk so he has control? Or, do you guys know if I created the group that I could assign admin privs to him after the fact? I think he needs some control of shit in there for peace of mind...
i don't think the secret society is the right fit - exclusionary by default

Cannasseurs is pretty awesome! pinky's up!

I'm in IT for a living, let me know where i can be of assistance.
Technical sales engineer here - same boat.

@StickyBudHound I figure one (or more) of us will be admin(s) (whoever pays the bill if we go to a decent version) and then all of the rest of our initial circle can be mods at least...
Technical sales engineer here - same boat.

@StickyBudHound I figure one (or more) of us will be admin(s) (whoever pays the bill if we go to a decent version) and then all of the rest of our initial circle can be mods at least...
We got this so covered... I'm an IT Manager. I've been in IT for nearly 30 years now. Between you, led1k and me, there's not much we won't be able to handle.
I'll be interested in what @led1k turns up checking out tapatalk...

We do need to re-figure-out a name tho since cannasseurs is gone already...
@led1k @StickyBudHound @Ibn Vapin @schmebulock
So what's the deal gents? I have not had anywhere near enough time to set up a tapatalk mini forum... Looks like several of us are setting up shop on LEDGardener.... Should I just migrate over there?
What schmebulock said, pretty much exactly. Checking in on what OG is up to from time to time. Too much to keep up on multiple forums at once though.
Yeah I just keep up with OG, and I'm naturally a quiet person lol. Need to update my thread soon too.

In-laws gave me a humidifier but I have to work it manually for now. Not sure it'll work on a switch though, hmm.