Steakbomb's Quantum Closet

Clearly I didn't keep the tops as even as possible...
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Bases (left to right)
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To be trimmed on the table (organized by plant)
Having some dinner then gonna smoke, trim, and listen to some tunes...
25% of the mains, topped and trimmed...
Bottom rack is middle plant, center is left plant, top is right plant.

It may not look like a ton, but the buds were pretty big... I was actually a bit surprised. Quite firm, too.

Another 37.5% tomorrow!
Nice work cuz, I never grew colas so dence under a 600HPS compared to the 96 engines,

Nothing like trimming to ruin a good day, the words of the 2 headed Prawn comes to mind - "its just like sitting in a dentists chair"
You can't go wrong with quantum boards. These were under some 288s supplemented with qb18s (the red strips). Definitely happy to be getting hand grenades off these - I was expecting there to be a lot more leaf than bud...

Yeah - trimming is the price we pay to not have to buy weed. I hate it but it needs to be done.
F#ckin alerts...

Looks great man! Have you tested it?
Had a hay-flavored buzz test on Friday - pretty good. I had to cut it with a little of the crimea blue to allow it to combust, though...

Got a couple larfish buds we accidentally snipped sitting in a beaker near the dehumidifier. Those ones should be ready for an independent sampling today or tomorrow.