Stealing electricity

stupid is as stupid does. some will never learn or be smart enough to not get in trouble. be sure to start a thread on how to deal with the police/courts from stealing electricity when your caught. My guess between months 6-9 from start of stealing...busted. Somebody want to get a poll running on how long it will take for this dude to get busted...
Not worth the thousands of dollars in fines and or 10 years in jail. Bascially you have to tap into the hot line that goes into you meter but it must be tapped before the meter I believe. Not sure how or where but it can be done. Honestly not smart man... at all.
Hey you guys dont give this guy such a hard time my friend buys these houses at the courthouse all the time. all they do is cut the drywall under the panel and cut the pipe (the big one ) with some nylon string, then take the wire and cut it and put a leg on 1 hot leg and run 1 to the ground and hope you don't get shocked to death lol. 300 plants is gonna take about 900 of elec a month and your elec company will see the missing power in the neighborhood and you will get caught anyway.
Don't make us all look bad. The movement to make cannabis worldly accepted is being ruined by people like you who make us look bad. There so many of us who rather make this a legal enterprise, and very few like you who are just plain old criminals. Get off this site because you don't deserve help.
I could not agree more.

Individuals such as the OP sully the entire movement. We are not criminals, but the norms see the scumbags who smoke and lump us all together.

If you cannot afford to pay for the electricity, you have no business growing.

I can't believe I am actually discouraging someone from growing. :cuss:
I could not agree more.

Individuals such as the OP sully the entire movement. We are not criminals, but the norms see the scumbags who smoke and lump us all together.

If you cannot afford to pay for the electricity, you have no business growing.

I can't believe I am actually discouraging someone from growing. :cuss:
correction. your not discouraging him from growing your asking him not to steal shortning his freedom.
WTF? you are playing with fire in a big way..... B _STED,,,, the only thing missing is you and you wont be for long.... felony grow, felony theft,,,, ouch, Why don't ya start cooking crank?
I know a really inexpensive way to grow 300 plants. It would probably wipe out most of your bill.

Yeh, when no one's looking, go to your neighbor's house w/ a nap sack, and throw all of his electricity in it and take off! ;)

Call up and tell your energy provider that you are moving house, and you want your account closed.

You pay the final bill, and tell them you will ring them with your new address once you have moved in.

You dont move.

THe power stays on.

You dont have to pay for it.


I haven’t paid a bill in 9 months, and the ones that do come are addressed “Dear customer”. They have no idea i am still here.

And if they do catch on, the worst that can happen is you have to pay the money you already owe.

where i live they send a meter reader out
if he cant read the meter they send out a estimated bill if the bill isnt paid within 8 weeks the electricity is cut off.

its dangerous messing about with the electricity supply
you will get busted.
but its upto you

Don't steal electricity, besides the fact that it screws someone innocent; you could also get electrocuted. I've been zapped a couple of times and let me tell you.....OUCH!
You can afford the HID lights, the fans, the water, the nutrients, the clones, and ALL of the small crap that's involved with growing THREE HUNDRED plants . . . but you can't afford the power? You clearly have no idea what you're getting yourself into. I would say good luck, but I don't really wish it and it wouldn't do you any good anyway.

Don't drop the soap! LOL.

Yo if your growing say a basement full of plants, which seems is what this guy wants. You can't just pay that massive bill and not go away unnoticed, obviously he's gotta steal power, its so frowned upon, but most of the weed in canada is grown on stolen electricity. yea some people have 30 plants and are payin bills but the majority of indoor weed comes from the commercial growhouses.

your gonna want to drill a hole through your foundation in the basement wall where the meter is outside your house (i dunno about you southerners without basements though, i guess less drilling involved). Test the wires to find which one is the main line to your house, and then throw a T clamp on it with high gauge wire to divert power to a seperate box in your basement, then you can run your lights/fans/etc off that box. Make sure to wear rubber boots and gloves for all of it especially the drilling so you dont kill yourself.

If you dont know how to undertake any part of that, then dont.. or.. partner up with an electrician in it.
why not try without lights. Everyone just assumes light is what weed needs. Be a ground breaker. fear in the enemy here.
Dose Amy one no how to steal electricty....Ian planing on 250-300 plants power would be to exspensive

Hey, No offense there, But if our going to grow that many plants, You ought to be able to pay the damn electric! Its far less suspicious to pay a bigger bill than to risk stealing it. It's people like you that give growers a bad name!

Also. As long as you pay your bill on time every time the electric company is not going to give you up! don't be stupid they want the $$$ they don't care if it comes from one house or 10....just dont miss a bill.
Hey, No offense there, But if our going to grow that many plants, You ought to be able to pay the damn electric! Its far less suspicious to pay a bigger bill than to risk stealing it. It's people like you that give growers a bad name!

Also. As long as you pay your bill on time every time the electric company is not going to give you up! don't be stupid they want the $$$ they don't care if it comes from one house or 10....just dont miss a bill.
I agree I have doubled my kph from last year and just pay the dam bill as from EVERYTHING I have read the only people they go after are people stealing the electricity, just pay the dam bill and be done with it. You have enough money to get this going but cant handle the electric bill?
Step 1) Buy some land out in the middle of no where
Step 2) Buy a glass green house
Step 3) Use the sun to grow big plants
YOUR A Peacie of shittt guy! dont steal from innocent peoples tax dollars.. it will eventually come back to everyone else.. and you give pot growers a bad name
:wall:you cant grow that many plants without a generator. that much power get you caught by the weekend. i believe 1000watts per bedroom in a house is as high as you wanna go.