stealing power


Well-Known Member
I'm just asking cuz you're crackin me the fuck up. First the whole "let me tell you one thing" and then being a self implored builder....oh man, maybe it's cuz I'm high, but that shit...I'm seriously considering putting that in my sig


Well-Known Member
Self implored, indeed. What does the recession have to do with anything? You think the electric company can't afford to take you to court, or that they're going to be sympathetic because times are tough for YOU? LOL!!!

There may only be one local cop where you live, but there are thousands of federal law enforcement agents in this country. I'm sure they're more than willing to step in and make the bust in most cases =)


Well-Known Member
A recessin isn't a nationwide oppurtunity to create chaos. The majority of us take it as a chance to see how hardworking we really are. How well we can stand on our two feet. Since this recession has happend all my bills have been paid off with the money this great country gave me in return for my hours of work.

If you owned a "builder" company & it was a multimillion dollar company & you had about 10people every month steal supplies & tools from you how would you feel? But they all came to you with the sorry ass underachieving excuse that it's the recessions fualt they have to steal. Nvm I think that would make it all bEtter. Nooooooooooooooooot!!!


Active Member
Listen you power stealing asshats, people steal power because they raise the rates. you know why they raise the rates? Because people steal power! (Genius!) Therefore, after they raise the rates, more people steal power so they can function. In turn, the profit margin for the power company decreases because more poeple are stealing power. So you know what they do? Bingo! They raise rates again. Your a scourge on society and you are a burden to us (relatively) law abiding citizens. I'd say I hope the feds get you but judging by the way you describe how you bypass the meter box chances are you'll die in a fire first with whoever you live with.

And to whoever has an issue with people who swing hammers, FU. Without us you wouldn't have a damn thing. Nothing at all.


Well-Known Member
Hey Believe me if I could get a job rather than do this I would. However, being a Builder in Florida, we ain't doing much my man, I haven't seen a paycheck since 2006,
to bad i wasn't BIG ENOUGH NOT to fail couldda got bailed out.
Thats you answer get job, how orginal. DUMBASS. Try to look beyond your own selfish ass before you engage you pie eater.

For the guy stealing power:

"borrowing" power like you say you are doing, is how DUMBASSES go to jail. IF you are growing in your house.. are you retarded? You already have unwanted attention from the power company... Get a job and pay your bills!

Exhibit A everyone. Thats how you go to jail and get caught growing the ganja.

Just watch the evening news and we might even get to watch the cops burn his crop.

Dont say we didnt tell ya so.

Plain and simple its stealing, to those that agree with it, you are wrong as well.

If you wanna grow the ganja you have to do what the law says and "stay under the radar"


Well-Known Member
yeah its called insanity my counselour says i'm a terrible sociopath who will never be able to forge meaningful relationships on social network forums like riu

the only problem is the only thing that makes it better is high powered ganja and i cant find a doctor that thinks ganj is a medicine

soooooooooo for the minute you are stuck with me

LMAO............Dude you are a riot:clap:


Well-Known Member
I thought it was all about legalising our beloved Plant!
Not acting like a Out and Out Loser,
People who steal power usually are the 1's who get caught because of a fire caused, or love 1's burnt to a cinder,
not to mention keeping the ever increasing Energy cost's booming,
I think you are giving Growers(non criminals who supply themselves) a bad name,
Morally , how do you think you stack up Op................