

Well-Known Member
Wiki all the things you say there I agree with...but what I'm saying is that right & wrong are just like something we made up. For instance when animals kill each other that's not wrong to them they don't even know what that is, but it is to humans because of ability to reason. One of our greatest assets & weaknesses.


New Member
Wiki all the things you say there I agree with...but what I'm saying is that right & wrong are just like something we made up. For instance when animals kill each other that's not wrong to them they don't even know what that is, but it is to humans because of ability to reason. One of our greatest assets & weaknesses.
animals dont kill other animals for no reason like humans sometimes do though. They kill to eat or to protect, and they hardly ever have to take it to the point of death for protecting.


Well-Known Member
True, but all I'm saying is that we made up right & wrong so what is it that makes us right or wrong?


Well-Known Member
animals dont kill other animals for no reason like humans sometimes do though. They kill to eat or to protect, and they hardly ever have to take it to the point of death for protecting.
what? some animals eat each other after mating. :shock:


New Member
They kill their mates to protect themselves and their young...Not sure why, but males eat the babies.. So yea it is for protection. Obviously not for kicks.. Animals are apart from humans in almost every way. period.


Well-Known Member
"Animals are apart from humans in almost every way. period."

You have that a little backwards.. Let me help you out:
Humans are a part of animals, or could be an animal, or..just a beast

like me:hump:


Well-Known Member
They kill their mates to protect themselves and their young...Not sure why, but males eat the babies.. So yea it is for protection. Obviously not for kicks.. Animals are apart from humans in almost every way. period.
betcha we are the same in more ways than we are different. :leaf:


New Member
I was waiting for someone to come out with a comment like that NewGrowth. . . lol

The difference is humans rule the earth but have less rights to be here than animals. . We have big ass brains that we don't know how to use.


Well-Known Member
I love animals, I treat them with the up most respect. but I don't really like cats or birds or possums.


Well-Known Member
Wiki all the things you say there I agree with...but what I'm saying is that right & wrong are just like something we made up. For instance when animals kill each other that's not wrong to them they don't even know what that is, but it is to humans because of ability to reason. One of our greatest assets & weaknesses.
I disagree. Right and wrong are not things we just made up. Raping a child isn't something we just decided arbitrarily HEY, THAT will be wrong! It is wrong. It's not wrong because we decided as a group it would be wrong, it just IS.

Right and wrong are not things we just made up. Maybe we made up the WORDS, but the concepts are very real.

Are you ever going to give some kind of defense for your statements, or are you just going to continue making them? Because that's not a debate. I say my side, with things to back up why I think that. Then you're supposed to present your side, with reasons why you think what you think.

So far you've just said that right and wrong are illusions and that we made them up, but you haven't said anything to convince me. You haven't said anything to counter anything I've are we debating here or not?


Well-Known Member
O.K. Wiki I guess I'll have to let this go because I really can't debate it with you. I will make one last reference to the rape scenario. What makes it wrong? Is it because you or I say so? Is it the ideal? Would it still be wrong if you were raised to believe it was O.K.? What could you say to justify it's wrongness other than presenting the ideal that it's wrong? I don't think it's right, but does that justify it being wrong?

-we are the only creatures on the entire planet that determine right & wrong so how did we not create those ideals? Did they create themselves? Not tryin' to be a smart ass.


Well-Known Member
O.K. Wiki I guess I'll have to let this go because I really can't debate it with you. I will make one last reference to the rape scenario. What makes it wrong? Is it because you or I say so? Is it the ideal? Would it still be wrong if you were raised to believe it was O.K.? What could you say to justify it's wrongness other than presenting the ideal that it's wrong? I don't think it's right, but does that justify it being wrong?

-we are the only creatures on the entire planet that determine right & wrong so how did we not create those ideals? Did they create themselves? Not tryin' to be a smart ass.

i've taught my cats right from wrong. :bigjoint: i have though.