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Along the same lines? As in...more thieving? I'm sorry, but anyone who only feels alive when they're stealing, or anyone who only steals for the thrill, needs a major reality check.

No, just other things. shit. for a bunch of guys who smoke and such you all seem uptight and judgmental. this thread was for people who like to have fun and dont sit around smoking or staring at their plants going, hmm what should i do tonight? World of warcraft or watch tv. its called im in college. i go to parties. we drink. we get drunk. we do stuff. get used to it. if i could find any one of you guys houses who are hating, i would steal every single outisde lightbulb you had. just for kicks.
No, just other things. shit. for a bunch of guys who smoke and such you all seem uptight and judgmental. this thread was for people who like to have fun and dont sit around smoking or staring at their plants going, hmm what should i do tonight? World of warcraft or watch tv. its called im in college. i go to parties. we drink. we get drunk. we do stuff. get used to it. if i could find any one of you guys houses who are hating, i would steal every single outisde lightbulb you had. just for kicks.

and i would beat the ever living shit out of someone with an axe handle if i caught them stealing shit from my yard.... then i would call the police so you can catch a felony for a fucking lightbulb
and i would beat the ever living shit out of someone with an axe handle if i caught them stealing shit from my yard.... then i would call the police so you can catch a felony for a fucking lightbulb

would not be a felony..learn the law.
That comment was to MediMaryuser anyways, so what are you talking about?

i was jokin about this comment


Marijuana Toker
Marijuana Toker
Join Date: Nov 2008​
Posts: 185​




Originally Posted by ZenMaster
Stealing embraces the dependency to materialism..Slaves of worldly objects and gain cannot quench the unending lust of greed. Stealing feeds the addiction to mundane, inconsequent articles deemed laudable by an acquisitive society. For those bound to such trivial pursuits will have an unforfilling life by pinning such value for objects and things that temporarily accompany you in the short time you have on this earth. No object is worth the anguish and melancholy from one who has been robbed. It deepens my sadness in man when I see those hurting each other for such trivial things. Stealing cannot not be justified nor glamored in any condition, save for survival. How petty or small it is makes no difference, it is deplorable. Rise above the sensual desires of man's egoistic nature..Break free of the bond to worldly gains and live a life free of such trivial substance..and you shall be enlightened.

its not what you are stealing, i stole a shitty 3 dollar (u.s.) light bulb. Its just doing it. And when the guy come out his door two feet from me asking what the fuck i was doing. The adrenaline in my blood was going. never felt so alive man.

specifically this sentence

And when the guy come out his door two feet from me asking what the fuck i was doing. The adrenaline in my blood was going. never felt so alive man.
hes telling people who sit and home and grow and hang out that they have no lives

we should all be tools and steal things.

some people suck.

RIU newest troll
yeah i dont like thieves either .im just re posting a funny ass comment that everyone seemed to miss.

i mean who dosnt think that is funny.what is this guy going around stealing light bulbs for?and then talking about it online to rollitup
how many personal attacks warranting infractions do i see here? hella. too many to deal with.

just because he steals doen't give anyone the right to say the things you are saying.

threats of violence against anyone is grounds for banning.

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