It has been 4 days on the plate and I have moved the sprouts to solo cups one root grew a bit to big and through the paper towel and was hard to get out without breaking it. I'm worried if he will make it or if it took to much trauma. 3 out of 4 made it to this phase. I'll post pics later today.
We have a sprout this morning from 1 of the 3. thats pretty early hopfully the others are not far behind. Also remember if you use solo cups to cut water leaks into them so you don't get root rot.
Today is a Awsome day. I am looking at 3 out of 3 that made it to the seedling stage. so It's a good chance for a female. It's alittle behind the first 1 but not by a major margin. Also no streching is occuring so I'm happy about that too.
Day 18 of the grow. Everything looks ok but a little spotting on a few of the bottom leaves. I'm not really worried about it; I know it's not root rot. Probably just the plants telling me they are ready for some organic 2-4-1 fertilizer. These pictures are from day 17. Enjoy
I went with 6x6x6 flowering pots. Thats just short of 1gal. size (1 gal = 1 foot of plant). The solo cups showed some root crowding when i removed them to their new home. this should help the growth speed pick back up. The plant in the front seems to be drooping but has had the same treatment as the other 2, it was also the last to sprout... I'll post more later,
Plants are taking their first day in the dark, i am switching to a 18/6 light cycle until the 30 day mark then switching to 12/12. I'll post some pics on the next water day.
Today i went to 12/12 cycle to see what kind of yeild small plants will turn out. I Will show some pics in the next few days when they start to show gender
Pics from the 24th, Day 29 of the grow. I have had that big plant on the right for about 2 months she will be flowering with the 3 in this journal if you see her in the pics thats why.