Stealth box need help marshall guitar cab.


Active Member
hey i live in a house full of people so i had to use my head to create a box to have a stealthy grow so i used my marshall cab i took the speakers out and everything inside. covered the front screen with black cardboard so no light comes through and cover the inside with mylar ballons inside out(good idea or no?)

i only use for personal use so i mean it will only be 2 plants tops at a time. im going to grow automatic hindu kush cause it grows short and its perfect for this box so i've read.

the dimensions i have for this is 14" width 26" height 26" length. is this to small for growing? i plan on using CFL lighting since its the only way to fit lighting i dont want tubes. how many lights do you think i could use and keep it a healthy safe grow box?

im going to need ventilation for this cause i work 8 hours a day and the box must be closed when im not around to watch it any other time its not a big deal.

if anyone has any suggestions ill be here smoking if help arrives. this is my first grow so i mean i dunno if this marshall cab will work. i hope cause i took it all the fuck apart. shit. o well please help a fellow out.



Active Member
Hey great idea for a grow box to turn that cab into stealth grow!

If your doing cfls...I would go to Walmart and get a bathroom light fixture for about 6 bucks that has 3 light sockets. Get some Y connectors so u can hook up 6 lights to it

with some creativity find a way to hang the lights and be able to be adjusted when needed.
- maybe one of those screws that has a hole in it so you can screw it at the top of the cab and attach it with lines to the bathroom fixture and another screw on the side to secure the line and the height in place

finally you need fans, shouldn't be hard to find info on that. But I would suggest for a 4x12 cab 2 or more exhaust fans with those carbon filters attached but probably don't' worry too much about the carbon filters until you decide to flower and of course an intake. If possible get a small oscillating fan to rotate the air around in there to blow on the plants.

um...last thing i can think of to help your grow is to research hydroponics and all its aspect since it conserves space and yields more. You would want to flower very soon 2-3 weeks and bend the stems SOG to get more plants per sq/ft? but don't take my word for it, GL and update and let me know ! I want to do something similar 28hx 20d x14w


Well-Known Member
Get yourself some cheap PC fans.
One for intake one for out take.
Theres DIY wiring on the DIY section.

Do SCROG. Veg for about a week or two and then flower.
You will probably need to think about light placement.

Check out this Grow.
it could give you ideas.

Also note the CFLs he has and the way he has them placed in his grow space.

You won't need to raise and lower them...

You'll need to get some kinda thermometer in there too.

Small space, give it a try.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
bad idea ... perfect waste of a marshall cab you should be ashamed of yourself. whats next burn your lse paul to get wood ash for nutrients ?
maybe strip out your marshall head unit to hide you fans in ?
im ashamed to even see good gear tore apart to hide a grow op


Well-Known Member
bad idea ... perfect waste of a marshall cab you should be ashamed of yourself. whats next burn your lse paul to get wood ash for nutrients ?
maybe strip out your marshall head unit to hide you fans in ?
im ashamed to even see good gear tore apart to hide a grow op

He didn't ask for that did he? :-P

It's perfectly fine, grow in what you want.
I personally think if this is done right you can get yourself some nice lil nugs. :D



Active Member
Small space for them. I love the idea and all ( just the thought of weed growing in a marshalll has a nice sound to it )


Active Member
Hey great idea for a grow box to turn that cab into stealth grow!

If your doing cfls...I would go to Walmart and get a bathroom light fixture for about 6 bucks that has 3 light sockets. Get some Y connectors so u can hook up 6 lights to it

with some creativity find a way to hang the lights and be able to be adjusted when needed.
- maybe one of those screws that has a hole in it so you can screw it at the top of the cab and attach it with lines to the bathroom fixture and another screw on the side to secure the line and the height in place

finally you need fans, shouldn't be hard to find info on that. But I would suggest for a 4x12 cab 2 or more exhaust fans with those carbon filters attached but probably don't' worry too much about the carbon filters until you decide to flower and of course an intake. If possible get a small oscillating fan to rotate the air around in there to blow on the plants.

um...last thing i can think of to help your grow is to research hydroponics and all its aspect since it conserves space and yields more. You would want to flower very soon 2-3 weeks and bend the stems SOG to get more plants per sq/ft? but don't take my word for it, GL and update and let me know ! I want to do something similar 28hx 20d x14w

hey thanks alot you opened up my possibilities. im def gettin exhast and intake fan for the back. intake infront of my plant root and the exhaust near my bulbs. i just bought 2 19 watt CFL AND 2 42 WATT CFL im gonna have pictures on how i have my set up real soon so ill hook you up im tryin to have it so youd never expect it. i think i can do it.

I just got a ultra kaze CPU fan, 133 CFM!
Scythe "ULTRA KAZE" 120 x 38 mm Case Fan - High

Nice bottle of lotion… GROSS! hah

yo good look on them fans just want ive been looking for i could use them perfect intake and exhaust? i didnt even notice i had all that shit out. well it aint mine my girls.

bad idea ... perfect waste of a marshall cab you should be ashamed of yourself. whats next burn your lse paul to get wood ash for nutrients ?
maybe strip out your marshall head unit to hide you fans in ?
im ashamed to even see good gear tore apart to hide a grow op

ahh for real this is a waste of a post i got it 2 years ago cheap and im not some dumb shit i still got the speakers ready to be installed back in at some point.

but yo why would i use LES paul wood ash for nutrients? wouldnt that kill do some damage to my grow dude.

Small space for them. I love the idea and all ( just the thought of weed growing in a marshalll has a nice sound to it )

the trees im growin only grow short 14" tops. automatic hindu kush. to many good vibes from it.


Active Member
alright so i got my paycheck and i went spending. now this is the setup im most likely going to veg with and change to differant bulbs when i flower.

is this enough lighting for my plants im using 2 19W in the right corner. 1 30W in the middle and 1 25W in the left corner. i think thats enough. my 30W has 3000 lumens and that will be above my plant.

now ventilation i know im gonna need it. so i purchased 2 120mm x 25mm low speed ac fan with plug input so no wiring would be needed and no possible fires from that. i plan on putting the fans intake on the upper left side to cool off the bulb and outtake on the upper right side to exhaust the heat. ALSO im going to have a small fan on the bottom right side for more air movement.

i plan on buying organic soil and add my own 30% perlite. i just purchased a ph kit to at my pet store so water is going to be perfect.

now this is a growing box from start to finish. im just building with ideas i got when i got stoned and looked at it and read this site. ANY IDEAS FROM ANYONE ID LOVE TO HEAR THEM CAUSE I MIGHT BE MISSING SOMETHING THAT WOULD IMPROVE ME ALOT MORE.




Well-Known Member
You should switch to DWC before you start, it takes a little more immediate investment but over time it's cheaper than soil, cleaner and better results, too. Basically what you'd be looking at is:
Rubbermaid container
Air pump, airstones, and tubing
Hydroton clay pellets
Net pots
Rockwool or starter plugs
PH tester and ph-up/ph-down

Soil you can be looking at a lot more potentially, especially if you encounter grow problems.