Awesome news

Be careful when glue gunning the air-stones onto the base of the DWC containers you don't want the base of the buckets to melt, .. apply the glue to the base of the air-stones 1st then blow the glue so it becomes cooler and tacky, with the air-line already connected install the air-stone in place and hold it firmly until its secure...Dont add water until 1 day later.. to make sure the glue has fully bonded

, Have you decided upon any nice handles? .. I really like Crystal handles, But I also like chrome... I was thinking about this the other day and thought black handles would have been nice on my cab.. Bottom line is keeping the unit Stealth in its enviroment. Post some pics of the handles and a step by step of the staining of the wood... Try n do it so you get no run's etc..
Have you tested for any light leaks yet?
Yeah be careful and accurate when applying the weather stripping, it will make for a nice seal and improve the performance of the cabs - STELTHY