Stealth Desk growin 007 style

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
oh they posted different ones now, well i flipped the switch a few days ago on a few more seedlings still waiting for the mystery to show

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
do do do dooooo damn i wish i could figure out how to ge the video's i got onto my comp .... stupid phone i need bluetooth attatchment for the comp to upload em. I just super cropped the myster plant down today fuck it i dont care if its in flowering and the stretch is over lol its gonna go back into veg if its female and if its male good bye sir. Threw another wonder woman onto the flower cab side today. Got some really really dank smelling/lookin gods gift, smoked some was really fuckin dissapointed didnt even do anything for me at all. Gotta call the delivery guy today and let him know it was crap and i hate doing that cause hes got so much on his plate already but damn man i cant afford to buy shitty med's from this guys drivers when hes got the good shit at home -_____-

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
yeah had god bud before hold on let me check on gods gift i think its supposed to be an og cross with white rhino possibly gotta double check i may be thinking of something else.

ok i was close its og X da purps *grand daddy purps* (thseeds)


Well-Known Member

I'm curious about your God Bud experience. Did you grow it? Was is as stinky as promised?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
no grow just smoked some was pretty good man but it wasn't amazing but i think it had more to do with grower curing and flushing error than anyting else.


Well-Known Member
I'm tempted to crack some GB beans, but I've got to mind the stink right now. Considering Black Domina. Know that one?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
yeah black domina is a parent to my blackeberry kush or so they say they actually call it black dominoe lol ahhaha i dont think its original black domina it was crossed with domina is supposed to be dank

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
never really had any gods gift that impressed me greatly the best one i had was in vegas from a clinic out there. I think they said it came from mendo county figures right?


Well-Known Member
never really had any gods gift that impressed me greatly the best one i had was in vegas from a clinic out there. I think they said it came from mendo county figures right?
Yeah, it figures. After what you say, it's sort of surprising to read such a glowing review. Can't argue with the genetics, though.

Same sort of deal with God Bud, some say it's spectacular, some say it's just ok.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
No you cant but i think the purps strain is the dominant one because there just isnt enough OG kick you know? Whatever purps they used to breed with obviously wasnt that potent either but meh whatever.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Son of a fuckn bitch when is this fucking thing going to show sex damnit im startin to get pissed fuckin mystery plant has been flowering for like two weeks and not even a single sign of a hair or nutsack wtf....

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
update on teh light situation, I CANNOT reccomend gladiator lighting enough even took a twenty dollar hit on shipping for me because i was not havin it and explained very nicely that i tested the shit out of that bulb and i doubt his testers tested it thouroughly enough so he took he hit and fully refunded every penny but what i paid to have the bulb shipped to me.

It would be in your interest to deal with these people they are quick reliable and nice. Its a good thing i didnt get mad like that ^^^^^^ when i told them i shouldnt have to pay restocking fee lol man i was mad this mornign hhahah


Well-Known Member
Which plant isn't showing sex?

That's good to know about Gladiator, but I get a better deal where I trade. And, so far, I've had good customer service.

edit: Quite the video.:clap:

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
sativa dominant one the big ass fucker.... takin forever to show, i think i might have seen the first sign today we shall see in a few more if it stays a white hair or turns into a leaf as this guy has the skinniest fuckin leaves when they first come out.

AHHH i think i just won myself a kessil

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
mmm they said two weeks til my magenta gets here.... damn long time when they are only five hours from my house CAN I COME PICK IT UP?!?!? hahaha. I transplanted the whole left drawer today to an assorted lot of containers made from random reclycling plastics i had around. PITA.... I got two more need transplanting and about 9 clones comin in in the next week. These fuckers need to show soon or imma be out of room before i can blink.