Stealth Desk growin 007 style


Well-Known Member
ok guys got an update for ya uploadin pics now, no pics of the desk these pics are of nug i just cut down off of my FUCKED off Agent Orange, got root rot badly in my waterfarm from the summer heat.

last three are of a piece off of my blue dream i had in the ground outside 30 grams dry off a 1ft plant.
**aaww.. proud of you kron.. those are the cutest nuggs ever.. hahaha

---keep it frosty Ho ;)

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
thanks guys, frosty is what matters =) im not lettin a lil root rot get me down, this shit gets me fuckin stupid high lol initial rushing heavy pushing on my face and body because of when i pulled it, then it creeps to a lovely warm blankety couch lock high. Its PERFECT medicine for me, smoked the first nug today 5 days after chop i think maybe six. Got a lot of curing to do to the whole lot of it but it tastes lovely. If i can keep the root rot in check next time should turn out quite nice.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
had an emergency car job, lol i forgot to plug the MAF back in and my homies mom was trippin had to run out updates today shortly lol


Well-Known Member
i just LST'd the papaya.....she is soooooooooooo bushy lol. im probli gunna flip em next friday. time flies wen ya gettin high!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
yesh yesh it does speaking of which, AO is gettin run again lol BEFORE og hahahahaha partner swore up and down til he was blue in the face OG was gonna be the first of the seedlings run before we ran anything twice. Blue dream got too big had to go in lol. But AO could wait but this run was so damn frosty that we both anxious to run it in proper conditions. So we actually get nug bigger than a chinamans dick...