Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)


Very nice my friend...looking great and I love you stealthyness! :bigjoint:

Great job noticing the heat stress so early...They look so healthy especially as you havn't used any nutes!! Good soil :leaf:

As they begin to flower tho dude you might want to start thinking about space?? The 2 plants are definitely competing with each other...i dunno man im a noob its jus a thort, might affect your yield if your really tht bothered??

Really good work tho dude...keep it up :-P


I've got some great news! I'll be upgrading my grow box thanks to my real life friend systemiRL. He drew me a cute diagram on how I can improve my grow box!

So I will be placing 2 boxes on top of one another like so :

In this diagram the the red colors are the fans, they will be blowing fresh air in and through the vent the air will be released through a hole covered with a carbon sheet. I will be seperating the two boxes with a thin piece of glass, that way the heat from the lightbulbs wont be as intense as it once was. if this seems a little complicated I will be updating pictures later tonight of how the growbox now looks. So you will have to wait until tonight to understand fully but here are some pics of the improve parts ive been working on.



No nutes so far. Well its 5:16am and im very tired. Ive been working on my new setup everything is working great and looking great except one thing.. IT DOESNT FIT IN THE DRESSER!! Well here are all the pics, ill be trying to figure out how i can fit it into the dresser later on in the day.



I will be posting pictures later tonight, the pics you see above are outdated, I've improved the box differently from the pictures previously posted, I'll keep you updated!


Well-Known Member
Sup man....doesnt look to bad....I do see some trouble tho. For one do you plan on keeping the plants in that same box of soiol till harvest? If so i see trouble with space....and if you are planning on moving i would do asap....the advatasious roots are goin to grow together and get way fiberous....making transplanting risky. You should check out some of the rubbermaid my opinion its best way goin right now...for cfl grows anyhow. I just got some lowryder 2 fems in the mail and am goin to start a rubber grow tomorrow prob....will be my second grow....1st grow > ... Anyhow im def a subscriber now i look forward to your grow and hope i can be some help. I would reccomend getting some grandmas molasos. Its a cheap way to sweeten up your flowers and encourage sticky fingers! Just do like two tbsp per gallon of feed....would also do some type of flowering fert just remember to cut off couple weeks befor harvest. good luck brotha


Well-Known Member
Oh and see if you can get some refletors for ur the end of my grow i really saw how important it was to get as many cfls as my peack i had 18!!!!! look up the soda can reflector method that looks like it works great.....cfls can work KEYWORD CAN not always.....if ya keep them small and compact you can do things with cfls...its not hard to get airy hay like bud tho so be carful!!!!

good luck!


Thanks for all the tips and welcome to the thread! I cannot transplant because this is a stealth op and space is very limited. I just got greedy putting in 2plants in there but I've seen a plant grown in one of these so I can only hope everything turns out well with two. I'll post some pictures later on tonight, the box is now running on 4 42watt 2700K bulbs.


haha thanks, sorry guys I will post pics in the morning, my plants were droopy since I didnt get to water them yet and I ran out of distilled water so I fed them some bottled water just for today.


Well-Known Member
yeahright, whats up look i dont know if you are having the same problem i dont even know if it is a problem but its bugging me a lil..i was feeding my babies and doing leaf checks on the and i noticed after lifting up all those bushy leafs that i have a lot of very small but healthy leaves at the base of my plant that i dont think is getting enough lightthe leaves are not standing straight out they are kind of curling under but as i said very healthy looking and dark green is this a problem anyone that knows could you let me know if you must pm me these things are huge bushy suckers.thanks ppp


Alright heres the major update i meant to post people!! I drew a picture and I'd like to thank my friend who explained to me how to build this sickness contraction. lets call him... systemiRL. Heres a diagram:

and the updated pics! Welcome to the show!!!
