Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!

Thnx Hippie Toker...

If you Guys look at my Last pic i posted you can see how my back door is more shiny than my back piece i made today... Because the Door i used White Garbage bags and i used plain white paper for the backing will it make a difference or should i put a bag over the back one to to make it EQUAL reflectiveness????
it shouldnt do much if anything but if u have nothing beter to do and feel like doing something then go for it but it shouldnt be hardly any difference
I Painted it all Glossy White... Yea cuz I had Nothing to do LMAOOOO... Way Better Now IMO !!!
You No what when you have wayyyyy tooo much time on your hands and smoke too much weed you make stupid videos like this.... I found this Venting pipe its flexible white brand new sitting in my garage lol and It fits my Fan Perfectly Over the Lip... Heres A video:joint:
aahahahhahh teggs u gotta get some plants so u can talk to them or else ur going to go retarded if it didnt hit u yet lol :P jokes man but thats nice good for a nice outake or intake fan
and yo a quick question....if u use 26w cfls that give off 1750 lumens each (ive seen ALOT of grows with 26ws and people only use 3)
but do the plants like absorb the lumens? like say u had 2 26 cfls at 1750 lumens each so...say 3500 lumens total if u put a plant under it would the lumens lower to like 2000 or something like that? just saying cuz i want to grow in my space but its small and i wanted to get 3-5 plants to sex and then keep all the females would i have enough light for say 4 plants from sex-harvest with only 6 26w cfls that give off 1750 each? would that be enough? or could i use it on a smaller scale like even 4 26w cfls? like i heard 5000 lumens is the minimum and the sun gives off 10,000 lumens so would i need 5,000 lumens each plant? or per square foot? im not sure and with 6 26w cfls at 1750 lumens each u get a little over 10,000 about 10,600 would this work for 4 full grown plants? (im lsting them obviously) but would i have more dried bud if i grow 1-2 plants with more room? or if i grow 4-5 with less space? which would yeild more? how ma ny plants could i grow under 10,000 lumens?
If im not mistaken man its 1500 Lumens per Square Foot... im gunna be using 100 watt cfls8 Of them Plus the 2 Floros.... If im not mistaken 100 watter should put out 1500-2200 Lumens Each... If my Compact Mini CFL's put out 850 Lumens....:joint::joint::joint:
100watt equalvalent im guessing u mean and the 26w cfls are 1750 lumens each but i only have a 2 foot in hight 1 in depth and 2 in width give or take a few inchs but if i have 2500 per square foot then id only need a 3 pack but if im growing more then one plant do i need more? like if i have 2 plantswith 1750 would they both be getting 1750 or do they absorb it some how? like for the watt per square foot thing u said would that be for every plant? like 2000 times the number of plants i have? 2000 x 5 = 10,000 so for 5 plants id need two 3 packs of the 26w cfls? jst trying to get this going so i know how much money i need to spend
Yea sorry my cfls that i have right now are 13 watts each thats why i said 850... Yea im Guessing If the 26 watters bulbs give you 1750 each then u should be ok for at least 2 plants with 3 lights you wont get the most outa your yeild but yea it will do... as for if the absorbing I have noooo clue how that works out but as long as u got 1200+ Lumers per square foot ur fine... It looks like your math is correct... But buy more anyways i wish i could help more man i hate feeling like a noob if it was car shit id help you out but yeaaa....:joint:
and again id give u rep for that but i dont want to give u negivtive rep last guy said i gave him negitive rep but i clicked i agree? its wierd man and i might just buy 2 40w cfls that MIGHT work better but heat will be a issue and i can get 6 26w cfls for the same price as 2 40w ones but the only problem with the 26w cfls is i dont have any god dame light sockets or lamps i can take appart all i got is one socket lol:P
I am just starting a dresser grow. I still have a few days work to do, but its getting there.

There was a telephone socket behind the dresser, I took it out and ran a tube with a computer fan blowing into it, so it exhausts into my attic.

I am using 3 CFLs to start with. I have a 150W HPS that I can use if I absolutely have to.
2 CFL 18w 6500k
1 CFL 23w 2500k

I am starting with 5 seeds (nonfem) so hopefully I will have 2 or 3 plants. Any suggestions?
Na man im not a mechanic. I speacialize in Honda And Acura tho ive owned many and learned by duin my own shit from motors to systems... That's Good for you man stay in school... I really wanna go to school for mechanics tho and i think i will next year....Ye aif u go higher wattage heat will be an issue if u got the room use the lesser wattage ones i guess.. Dunt worry about the rep points man... Thanks tho...BTW On ebay they sell those light sockets with the positive and negative comin out... like 4.99 Each...
Umm I think the Pc Fan Might Be small... Wat size is it??
What will you be lining the box with? i found it easier to just paint it white...
2-or 3 plants... that probably wont be enuff light.. Maybe for vegging but flowering ur gunna need more for shure the more the merrierrr
Hey man.. Nice thread I like the whole set up. Subbed =]]

I noticed no one ever answered your question about the size pots to use.. From what I've read, it's best to use square pots for smaller grow ops. I've seen a few sites online that carry pots that are either 5.5" or 6" sq. So you should be about to get like 4 plants per sq. ft. in there! And I think they come in like 6" deep and up to 12" deep.

Thats what im gonna be using. I only have about 4.5 sq. ft. in my grow box, so Im gonna try to pack 20 in there lolli-popped/SOG/SCRoG'ed. =]]

I'll keep an eye on ur grow tho. What kind plants you got going there? I forgot if you mentioned it in the beginning..

Thanx Guys:Magik 420 and Sugarless high ...:joint:
Magik 420 Im Growing KC-36... For My First Grow...
Yea i think i seen the pots your talking about at the Dollar store When I went That prob wat im gunna use... Thanks

More Updates:
We Had To move the plants to my grow box my friends parents were getting to close for comfort at his house so yea...
We installed the ventilation system today and its COMPLETE FINALLY!!!! Temp is at 26-27 degrees so far Humidity is at 75...
Let me know if these numbers are bad....



Question: Are the lights to high from the plants right now? The lights are about 3 Inches from the tallest one...:confused:
teggs if u monitor your plants clsoe enough and check up on them enough then u come put the lights 2 inchsa from the top it shouldnt hurt...i was told a while ago that if u can leave ur hand in front of the light at 2 inches and it doesn't burn or make u pull ur hand away u can keep the lights that close if ur not using 40w cfls and only 26w cfls u should be able to get them to 2 inches man