Stealth Dresser LST


Active Member
Well today marks day 12 2 of the plants are growing nicely and ill prolly start lst as soon as a few more nodes appear the 2 biggest girls are working on their 3rd node any advice on when i should start to pull em over would be helpful. i fed thee girls again today so i should have to water for a couple days. enjoy the pics..



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No sex just yet prolly got another week to go. temps are getting a little high for my liking so i ordered a 250cfm inline fan to add as my intake and get rid of the bathroom fan i dont think its pulling its weight in the cooling department. im kicking around ideas for a carbon filter if i should use my 80cfm for intake and my 250 for exhaust idn any help would be appreciated... heres some pics of the new bends the runt is growing slow but it looks great..



Active Member
well 19 days in and the girls showed sex today only two so far im still waiting on the runt to get a lil bigger but the other 2 have shown. the pistils are too small for me to get a good pic with my camera ( i have a 30x jewelers loupe thats how i saw them) :) so when they develop a little more ill be posting pics


Active Member
well the girls are growing nicely the 2 bigger ones are really starting to take off i will be starting bloom nutes with the next feeding i only fed with water the last feeding to try and use up some of the stored grow nutes... the first 3 pics are the biggest plant, the next ones are of the runt which is starting to shoot up nice, and the last ones are of the second biggest plant...

They all showed sex and we should be seeing some bud development soon..



Active Member
well here are some pics from the end of day 24 on 50 more to go hopefully lol

Started bloom nutes today after feeding with just plain water the last feeding pistils are starting to get bigger and more are showing up so hopefully the girls start to take off now that they are getting bloom nutes stay tuned things should get interesting soon :weed:


well here are some pics from the end of day 24 on 50 more to go hopefully lol

Started bloom nutes today after feeding with just plain water the last feeding pistils are starting to get bigger and more are showing up so hopefully the girls start to take off now that they are getting bloom nutes stay tuned things should get interesting soon :weed:

This is exciting dude i'll be watchin! Especially since our grows are similar.:leaf:


Active Member
Well guys we have bud sites lol.... i noticed them today so hopefully yall can see em in the pics.. ill be getting a new cabinet soon so im hoping to have more vertical room for the girls to grow. let me know what yall think. as always suggestions are welcome....



Active Member
well the girls are growing great and i have to say the plant that has been under the led is the biggest.. i will be feeding another nute feeding tomorrow. All these shots were takin after the lights went out which is why they are so droopy. let me know what you guys think



Active Member
Well im about halfway thru the grow and i have to say thanks to RIU i have found a new love in LST.. there are so many bud sites all over the plants i counted 9 on the biggest plant and 6 on the second biggest. I will be getting a Sour Cream clone soon ( g13xsour D) and i am so excited about that because i love both those strains...

here are some pics after them budding for about a week and a half..



Active Member
Well it is the beginning of week 6 in a few days here is an update. Ive been feeding bloom nutes for almost 3 weeks now. the biggest plant is taking up almost half of my box. and strangely enough the runt is maturing faster and getting a lot hairier than the other two. they are all coming along nicely. Im trying to talk my wife into letting me buy a grow tent off of amazon. here it is . im even trying to bribe her with some jalapeño's and tomatoes lol.

comments are always appreciated.



Active Member
Well here are the girls at day 41 they are coming along quite nicely. Lots of bud sites. ill be getting my tent in 2 weeks :lol: so sadly this wont be a stealth grow anymore but a tent grow lol. enjoy the pics.



Active Member
well the bud is coming in finally....... The runt has made more progress than the rest but thats only because its like 5 days older than the other 2. On the next biggest plant there are two separate shoots that have two colas forming at the top its kinda awsome. well enjoy the pics. I get my tent on wednesday next week its in the mail so im really excited for that...



Active Member
Day 46 from seed? What do you think for a harvest 60 -70 days?

I was thinking of giving auto's a try.



Active Member
yes day 46 from seed. Thanks for stopping by.Autos are ok they make great bud if grown correctly but if i could do it all over again id go with a photo period even growing a single plant for the same amount of time either going 12/12 from seed/ cutting you would get better results. As far as harvest i plan to go 75 days but i may go a little longer because i like the more stone to high so im going to let some of the crystals get amber before i chop. I am also planning on giving them 2 days of complete darkness before harvest aswell.


Active Member
Well a little update for anyone following.. I will be getting my tent in the mail tomorrow so ill have that set up with pics tomorrow night its 48x20x62 so should be plenty of room for everything.