Stealth Grow Company LED results are fake!

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I just talked to the owner of my hydroponic store and we were discussing LED's and I asked about the stealth grow lighting company. He laughed just at the name being brought up and told me a story about the company. He has about 35 years in the business and is very knowledgeable when it comes to indoor cultivation.

Here is the story he told me.

A few years back he went to a hydroponics convention where nearly 20,000 people attended throughout the event. During this time an ex-employee that left the Stealth Grow company was frustrated with how he was treated decided to show a video taken on his phone of how the company took pictures for their advertisements. During the video, the plants were grown in a 5'x5' tent with a 1200 watt equivalent LED lamp above the plant canopy. The plants were placed in an ebb and flow tray which was on rollers. An identical 5'x5' tent with the same setup was growing next to it under a 1000 watt HPS bulb. When it came time to take the pictures and do whatever they needed to do, they rolled the bed from the HPS tent into the LED tent and lights camera action! What consumers were led to believe was that the LED lights were just as good as the HPS Lights but they were fooled.
Too late once you shell out the $2500 and find out for yourself!

Truth of the matter is LED's are a new technology when it comes to indoor growing and are nearly as good as HID lighting. Otherwise everyone would be doing it! Yes you can get decent results but for the money it's not worth the cost even in the long run!

That story made my day how bout yours lol.


Well-Known Member
That's just conjecture especially from a salesman at a hydro shop. He got it wrong. It was old hgl with Irish boy 3 years ago. Leds have come a long way since then.

Ive seen stealth grow leds in action in a hoop house on the mountain. They got pretty chunky and dank buds. But that company is behind in tech. They still use more blue than whites and only use 6500 k whites. Warm whites and neutral whites are better for flower. Not worth $2000 l. There better leds for 1/4 of that price.

Any way there's plenty of proof of led and induction on here killing hps.

Also never listen to a hydro shop guy. They dont know shit and are just after your money.

Free your mind and the rest will follow lol
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Yeah well I don't understand why a hydro guy would not want me to buy LED's when i would have to invest in my lighting all over again and he would definitely be making more money off me. And I also said that this guy has been doing this for 35 years now and has seen almost everything there is to see. If that is true how come there are no large scale commercial grows using LEDs? Also this guy will tell me how to save money rather than spend it in his store ? money hungry...? NO. He gives me reliable information and tells it to me straight. He answered all my questions when i first started and he was never wrong in his responses now that i know what I am doing 5 years later lmao

Truth is it was the stealth grow company as well and a number of other companies were probably doing the same thing as well.

Hey also can you show me some of the proof your talking about here with a link? I would love to see that that sounds interesting.


Well-Known Member
Leds you buy from companies. Kessil and clw can be found at hydro shops. But he wants you to buy hid lights and fans and repeat bulbs from him. Its about money. They act like they are hooking you up when they really are hooking them selves up with the loot.

Ive seen stealth grow leds first hand. So I know its no true.

Theres plenty of large scale grows using them. Just do some research.


Well-Known Member
Once again I am asking you to show me this since you are so sure. And as a matter of fact he sells LED's because they are good for other types of plants not just treefer. He actually told me he would make more money off me but i wouldn't be satisfied with the results as to what i was looking for. Honest business is why i don't go pay less at the other store and would rather come to him. I have been to a number other hydro shops and can usually tell when they are just trying to sell something to me.

Can anyone provide me with a link that shows LEDs outperforming HID lighting? My goal here is to find someone that can refute the allegations I am making with definitive proof. What about you hyroot do you have a link or somewhere I can see this in action?


Well-Known Member
Not many people are going to claim LEDs outperform HID (yet), at least not anyone who isn't trying to sell you a panel or two. LEDs fit a different niche, not everyone wants to deal with the heat from HID.


Well-Known Member
Take a look around and see the results people are pulling..

When growing with LED you're not getting the same penetration, but with a little training you're getting great light with minimal heat for pennies a day. If you buy smart you can find great LED's at good prices. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Not many people are going to claim LEDs outperform HID (yet), at least not anyone who isn't trying to sell you a panel or two. LEDs fit a different niche, not everyone wants to deal with the heat from HID.
I hope you go ahead and do a diy with Cree XTE, XPG and Philips Luxeon Deep Reds and then you'll see some LEDs outperforming long as you provide coverage. Big LED panel in the middle of the tent doesn't work. LED is NOT a good point source of light.


Well-Known Member
I've been convinced by following many grows here that LED's are superior and can out do HPS and I'll be switching to them when I can afford it,the up front cost is the only drawback.Many here seem to go with LED for heat or power savings but I think if someone tried a side by side watt for watt against a 1000 HPS and a LED light with the latest high quality led's it would be LED's on top. You could use 6 Area 51's and still use less electricity than the HPS.I'm doing a little experiment now flowering with some Cree bulbs from Home Depot and am amazed at how well it's going and they are just meant for home lighting not growing.


Well-Known Member
Yes I know all this about LEDs having to cover your entire canopy to have better results but you are still have to hookup 16 for $16000 light panels to cover an 8' x 8' area, where the same can be done using 2 1000 watt hps on light rails for only $1300. Basically you would have to run the led's for 10 years straight and to equal out the costs of buying new bulbs and energy costs. This is what I meant by comparable, cost analysis and results.


Well-Known Member
I hope you go ahead and do a diy with Cree XTE, XPG and Philips Luxeon Deep Reds and then you'll see some LEDs outperforming long as you provide coverage. Big LED panel in the middle of the tent doesn't work. LED is NOT a good point source of light.
I'm leaning that way more and more by the hour. If you look around enough, you can find several items that make DIY very tempting. The two biggest things were attaching the LEDs to a heat sink and connecting them. Soldering is not that hard when you get the hang of it, but there are options out there that allow you to bypass that too.

Bysen has quoted me a 210w panel for ~$385 shipped, but that is using "Epistar" LEDs. Cidly has quoted ~$263 for an Apollo 6 shipped, but they are out of 90 degree lens, not sure if I want 120. For just a little more than the Bysen, I can DIY a 60 piece panel using much better LEDs from Cree and/or Philips, and I can control the layout to best fit my grow space.


Well-Known Member
Not to sure about your math but Area 51's are going for $535 shipped now and cover a 2' x 3' area so 6 would cover 6' x 6' and cost $3200 but I'm sure you would get a discount for buying 6 so it would be even less.And under a quality spectrum the plants should stretch less then HPS so penetration is not as big of a problem either unless your vegging a long time and plan on flowering large plants.Put 6 Area 51's in a 5x5 or 6x6 area against a 1000 HPS in the same size and the LED's will give you a better outcome as long as the plants are not 4' tall when starting into flower.You make it sound like it wouldn't even be close and I would disagree,just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
The two biggest things were attaching the LEDs to a heat sink and connecting them. Soldering is not that hard when you get the hang of it, but there are options out there that allow you to bypass that too.

Take a look at the Berquist thermal adhesive pads. They do a great job of transferring heat and it's dirt simple.


Well-Known Member
Using those area 51's only will cover a 2' x 2' area so you would need 16 and your prices are from online and you are still looking at an electrical wire spiders web. Also, with LED's the light has to be adjusted more often and at even your price, hooking all that up is not just the costs of the light your still looking at a $10,000 investment


Well-Known Member
Actually 6 a51's are $2800. Bulk discount. Each covers 2-3 to 3x3. S0 6x4 - 6x9. 9 units will cover more than an 8x8 with for $4275. Plus 10% off for summer sale. You really need a calculator. A51 has the best warranty too.

Everyone here knows about Irish boy. When he got found out he disappeared. I think all his hreads were deleted by mods
Do some digging. You will find stuff. Why don't you provide a link to your story... Oh wait its hear say.


Well-Known Member
Now the DIY is probably the way to go. Thats pretty much what manufacturer's are doing anyway but have the resources available to test them better and engineering knowledge. I'm an engineer and know the facts when it comes to power consumption and light intensity and angles. Basically an entire ceiling above a perfectly level and pruned canopy that can be raised and lowered is ideal. Every surface will be covered with evenly dispersed light and all connected on one mega panel to simulate the sun. Actually a whole room where all of the walls are contoured and covered in LED's is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
hyroot do u use LED's? jw and yes all that irish boy stuff is just on forums here that someone started 3 years ago. Who says this isn't a new one that is being brought to the internet. Cornell University has been working in tandem with this hydroponics store in developing efficient and effective LED lighting for the last 2 years and still does not have a light that runs on a significantly less amount of power to area coverage as HID lighting. I would figure an ivy league school that has a number of majors for botany, agriculture, biology, farm science, and countless other programs funded by a very generous alumni would have mentioned a breakthrough by now if they were onto something.

I personally saw a LED light that was designed by them where they had it tested by 3 different light meters in all that read intensity, frequency, and one did something else i can't remember but they were better than the hps but only in highly concentrated areas. The plants spoke for themselves and showed that 2 LED lights were needed at least to cover the same area evenly but still would have a number of dead spots in the tent. The cost is still not justified yet or everyone would be doing it. Also potency is lost as well..another topic for discussion maybe.


Well-Known Member
I've been convinced by following many grows here that LED's are superior and can out do HPS and I'll be switching to them when I can afford it,the up front cost is the only drawback.Many here seem to go with LED for heat or power savings but I think if someone tried a side by side watt for watt against a 1000 HPS and a LED light with the latest high quality led's it would be LED's on top. You could use 6 Area 51's and still use less electricity than the HPS.I'm doing a little experiment now flowering with some Cree bulbs from Home Depot and am amazed at how well it's going and they are just meant for home lighting not growing.
there are videos all over youtube with hps and led going head to head, they use less watts for the led and still come out with better results than hps.
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