Stealth grow, strain is Big Bang. Apparently good for medicinal use.

The Bushman


I have just started a stealth grow in a cupboard (1m x 1m x 2.8m) using a 125w CFL for vegging and i have a 600w HPS for when i reach the flowering stage.

I am/will be using Plant Magic+ medium and Plant Magic Soil Grow, Soil Bloom and Bloom Boost nutrients.

I think that Scrog will be the best way for me to get the highest yield i can out of the 5 plants i will hopefully have.

Process !
I brought 5 seeds and started the germination process on the 15/04/2010. I soaked the seeds in tepid distilled water for 16 hours, i then put the seeds between a few sheets of damp tissue paper.


Within 24hrs my seeds were showing there first white bit of root.
I put the seeds into FLEXIMIX soil cubes and covered them in a propagation tank, once my lil babys had popped there casing and were showing there two round leaves (Cotyledons), i potted them into my medium and introduced them straight into an 18/6 light cycle using my 125w CFL placed 8 inches off the pots.


So far i am at week 3 since germination and my lil babys are coming along nicely, i will try and keep you all updated on there progress but here are a few pics of each one so far (pics were taken today).

Photo0070.jpg Photo0069.jpg Photo0068.jpg Photo0067.jpg Photo0066.jpg Photo0065.jpg


Well-Known Member
looking very good. you should see those things start to explode in the next two weeks. nice work!

The Bushman

Week 4 ! (from germination)

Hey guy's

Thanks for the comments.

My lil gals are coming along nicely.... even starting to let off a nice distinct sweet aroma.

I have one lil worry, i have started to notice that the leaves of my plants are coming through a lil wrinkly, but they seem to flatten out once they reach a nice size.

I give my lil baby gals 1ltr of water each, every 3 days, every 6th day/second watering i add 3ml of Plant Magic Plus Soil Grow (N-P-K, 2%, 0.4%, 3%) to each ltr.... i was wondering if this was a factor of the wrinkly leaves? any advice would be appreciated. Not just on the wrinkly leaves but watering habits and adding nutes as well.

I have been testing cropping on the bare looking one below as it was coming up mutated, i decided it would be a good tester to save wrecking my other plants, it has been topped and i have removed all but the top set of fan leaves so far. Well here are some pics of what they look like at the moment. (pics were taken today)

Photo0073.jpg Photo0074.jpg Photo0076.jpg Photo0077.jpg Photo0075.jpg Photo0072.jpg Photo0078.jpg Photo0079.jpg

Any comments are welcome.

The Bushman

Week 5 ! (from germination)

Hey guy's

All seems to be going ok at the moment, xfered 3 of my lil gals to 20 litre pots.
You may be wondering "why only 3?" well i ran out of soil and have not had the chance to go and get some more yet.

Well here are some pics of my lil gals.

Photo0102.jpg Photo0103.jpg Photo0105.jpg Photo0116.jpg Photo0106.jpg Photo0109.jpg Photo0107.jpg Photo0108.jpg Photo0110.jpg Photo0111.jpg Photo0112.jpg Photo0113.jpg Photo0114.jpg Photo0115.jpg Photo0118.jpg