stealth is vital!


Active Member
i want to grow in my room and have lots of ideas about setting up a stealth box 4 my grow but have any of you got any fool proof ideas ur willing to share?
i am want to grow in my room i live with my dad and i dont want him to no i only want to grow one or 2 small plants for abit of a experiment and maybe continue if it works
my main concerns are smell and cost


Well-Known Member
well get a cabinet of some sort that you can pull off as a wardrober and lock it. stay aay from those tents and stuff. Once you get the cabinet. Seal it up and light proof it. Im currently trying to figure out ventilation and intake ideas fro my cabinet. I'm using a 400 Cool Tube. If you already have a dresser or cabinet in your room that already blends in, cool. If not, you may wanna check Craigslist or somewhere with cheap furniture.



Active Member
yeh i dont no what sort of exhast and intake fans to use either as im only gna keep my grow pretty small im not gna want a big thing that makes loads of noise etc..
also if i wannted to use a carbon filtet to smell prooff it how wud i make that discrete? wud i be able to hide it inside the box sumhow?


Active Member
also if ya using cfl ligghts can u use one blue and one red in the same box? dus this help?


Well-Known Member
Wait until you have your own place. It's disrespectful to grow in your parent's house without their permission or knowledge. You are putting not only yourself, but your dad at risk by doing this.


Active Member
ok fair enuf i agree wid ya there i suposee but its a sorta 2 part thing because i was goin to do my own and also help my mate with a small grow 2 once i got abit of the no how .. he lives with his mum and she sed a few plants in his room is cool so long as she gets a toke lol