Stealth like a ninja.


Well-Known Member
Only if I can give them the light they need. I just got reinforcements too ;) $$$ perhaps i can actually buy some more bulbs for the grow now.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow. The toppin idea is great, but those plants are gonna get way too big for that tiny box. When i started veggin my plants were just over 1ft high, now they're around 3.5ft. Grow soooo fast. My next grow, gonna top early and LST to keep them as short as yours.

Keep it up, and keep us posted


Well-Known Member
exactly the way i did it but i would trim the roots and cut all but the middle blade off of all the leaves to dwarf it


Well-Known Member
Kinda unnerving really neither are showing pre-flowers. I dont think they will until I get them more light.


Well-Known Member
I can put up pics at any time. The status of the plants right now is about the same. Both look beautiful and i am very proud of them male or female :)

I just lifted the light to expose the tops to full light again (them bastards grew on me) couple of bottom leaves have died to low light exposure but there are 9 blade fans at the top.


Well-Known Member
You need to go to Flower bro.
Those things are going to be 1 big ass bud.
I hope they are female.
You know they can double or tripple in size during flower.
Whatever you do good luck..
Definately looking good.


Well-Known Member
Hellz Yeah! Actually I want to take clones soon and sex them then isolate a clone or two to become new mothers. I really really want to flower the bigguns


Well-Known Member
Oh im sure not. I've done this method with many other species. I just turned them on 12x12 lighting i'm going to find sex then try to pull them back into veg. First signs are all im looking for i want to catch them before they get too involved in their flowering process.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh I plan on it once i find more girl bits. They are only a week into 12/12 i will wait another week hopefully they both show by then so i can pull them back and veg when I move local.


Well-Known Member
There is another part to the genius of the Box-O-Sox project.

Because it is a cardboard box and I know where I can get my hands on many more just like it, I can cut the bottom of the origional box off and stack it on another box allowing me to grow my plant a little bigger.

Also if i needed to i could bust out the refridgerator box and make a Box-O-Sox Sr.
. to find more boxes that big check atyour local aplincestore. ask ifthey have any frig boxes. or check at a new house being built. most of tyhetime they just throw away theboxes