stealth speaker box grow thrift store style ;)

So this is going to be my first grow in about 7 years. I am using a pair of house speakers that a friend left for me, I am just in the process of converting the first one. Going to do this one at a time so I don't overwhelm myself with everything going on.

So I have these house speakers. Pretty cool they worked great, but now they will work great for something else.


I have gutted everything and painted the inside completely white. The only thing left to do is create another access point besides the big ass hole in the front. duh!

Going to hang 2x CFL bulbs 60 watt replacement actual 14 watt 5000k 800 lumens about 2 inches from the plants after I plant them (still germinating in paper towels). I have 2 computer fans I was going to use as exhaust and a regular fan. Going to clean them up and mount them.

Questions I have: how should I run the carbon filter? where would be the best place for me to mount these fans? How would I go about the humidity factor?

If someone out there could help me I have been researching but everyone is so different on what they use I am scared to be doing something wrong and fuck things up again.
I need this to be completely stealth, I have people that come over and family that don't smoke and don't know we smoke...

I am using MG cactus, citrus blend soil. Should I add anything to this? This is the factor of things when I really get lost cause everyone has so many different preferences. Contains sand, perlite, peet moss, fertilizer, wet agent, etc so should I add other things to this? My seeds are almost ready to plant, probably tonight or in the morning. I just want everything set up and ready when I plant them. No down time...

I will update and add more pictures when I complete the inside set up


Well-Known Member
Are you going to put the speakers back in place? If not maybe you could use one of the smaller holes and mount a fan on the inside of the box blowing out and like tape the carbon filter in the gap of the wood thickness if that makes sense, you could even maybe use the duct and have the fan on one side of it blowing through it with the carbon all in there, and have the other small fan blowing in. Then like place a small rotating desk fan in the corner of the box.

It would be fun to have the speakers back in there and have them all working while the magic happens in side haha.


Active Member
Hey man it looks nice. From the outside lol. I'll give you my 0.02. So we'll start with the lights... I think you're gonna want more than 28w of light to grow that plant. Actually first, you should give the dimensions of your box, lxwxh you know all that jazz. But yeah you're gonna want some more light, maybe consider doing 4 23w CFLs? For the veg, you can go to any Lowes, and I think the sylvana brand is the only one there that is 6500k rated CFLs.

For your CF... Well tbh, if you're gonna do a one plant grow and if it's not some skunk or cheese, it SHOULD be alright. I've stopped growing, but when I grew out my NL, didn't smell a thing until it started to full on flower. Even then, I had to put my face to the buds to actually smell it. I had a CF set up, but now that I think about it, if I just got some sort of febreeze set up going, it wouldn't have been that bad at all. But for your sake, you absolutely need stealth, so I'd recommend going with a homemade CF just cause to my knowledge, the smallest brand name CF you can buy is a 4x8 phresh filter. (Make sure you do some research and try to find one that's smaller). If not, you can always make a DIY CF. I've yet to do that, but it looks really simple and cheap. With that being said, it might not be too bad to make like a 3" CF or some sorta rig, b/c I don't think case fans have the static pressure to pull through a CF efficiently.

As for the MG, I have no experience with it, except I used MG perlite. I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen with all perlite, but mine just kinda disappeared slowly lol. Prob just got crushed or something idk. But I've seen people growing with just straight organic MG or something, and the buds were NICE man... So don't let that shit get you down. Just be careful, make sure it's not too hot for your seedlings. If that's an issue, go with Jiffy pellets or something like that. They're not the best b/c it dries out really fast, but my first time was with those and it went alright.

I've never failed germination, idk why. Maybe it's b/c I've only germinated four plants lol but they came out perfectly. Best method imo is drop em in a shot glass and leave over night, once it falls to the bottom just straight throw that bitch in the soil. =)

Sorry for the wall of text! best of luck to you!
no speakers are being trashed they are made of paper and crap anyway... I am trying to get extremely effecient with this. I have blacked out the screen to make it completely light proof, and now just to mount the light so I can adjust it and not let it fall on my plants. I just started the paper towel method, I used to just drop them in a baby food jar full of water, but now I am going for as much stealth as possible... lol I have the two fans from my old compaq computer i have wired up. the one fan that was mounted for the exhaust on my computer is hooked up to a 12v ac adapter and the other smaller fan is hooked up to a 6v car charger. works pretty good. I still have that cardboard tube that I pulled out I was thinking of using that for a carbon thing, just didnt know how to really do that. I was heading to walmart to get a filter from a fish tank would that work? ultra active carbon white filter and just cut and tape inside the tube with a fan push air out the hole through the carbon. have the bigger fan on the other side of the box pushing towards the carbon also??

I am using seeds I just have had from either dro, mids, regs, whatever I just through in a bag and kept. So I will be amazed right along with you guys. I just want whatever is growing to be the best I can make it.


Active Member
Hmm not sure, maybe ask mods lol. Well if you're gonna go through a small filter/fan set up, it's best to pull rather than push through it. Extends the life apparently. And why not just wire both your fans to one power source? When I had my thing going I had two fans on one old 12v router charger. Good luck though, especially without having any actual fem beans.


Well-Known Member
hey whitey, great idea, looking forward to seeing your grow progress, as for cf and the fans, I found it difficult to combine the 2, you could make a cf zen style, which is awesome, and is on this site, but your fan will need to be powerful enough to either push or draw the air through the fan, if you use a fan that can do the job nicely, while keeping the temps down, you will find the stealth mode no longer exists, to loud. if you want true stealth mode your fan will need to have a db rating below 10, which will not then draw/push the air through the cf enough, so your temps will go up in the grow box. of course you will not need to worry about smell until your into flowering. so if this is the case maybe give ona gel a go, apparently the gel neutralises the odor. trial and error will in the end give you your results. I agree that you may need more cfl`s, in my pc grow I used 4 23w, which worked perfectly, but I have seen ppl use 1 cfl, but the more you use the denser the buds. hope this helps. good luck and happy growing :-)
I actually canned this idea and doing a double stack rubbermaid idea. right now i am having a problem that my bars are to long and my lid wont go on... ugh!! so pissed. so going to have this bars chopped and will post a thread soon. I am very excited and into 2 days of veg with about 94w of CFL 6500k lights. so hopefullly this will do something !!