Stealthy full size shovel gurilla tip


Well-Known Member
Ok so I needed to get a full size shovel to my spot but I hike everything in by back pack and I pass hunters and hikers all the time so what I did was buy a shovel from lowes with a wood handle and on the bottom there's a rivet that runs threw the handle and the shovel head so it dosent come off. Now what I did was grined off one side of the rivet so that I culd pull it out with plyers then I replaced it with a carrage bolt and butterfly nut that way I can take off the head, put it in my back pack and use the handl as a walking stick (it's perfect hight) and people don't think twice. When I get to the site assembly is quick and easy. Just thought I wuld share


Active Member
Nice. I run across some of the same problems with carrying supplies so i usually go at night. But crafty idea mate.


Well-Known Member
Buy a handle, use it as a walking stick, maybe put some leather around it, you know so it doesn't look like a shovel handle. Than but a replacement head for the shovel, and put that into your bag. Or buy a military shovel.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Or you can just people who are passing that you found the shovel, and are just taking it home, hey lucky you.:peace:


Well-Known Member
military shovels suck for the guys not in the front lines they give them real shovels those little ones are maent for emergency foxhole digging and burying your shit after you take one.ever try digging a big hole with one i have/did for two years it sucked. i use one of those shorth stocky shovels with a big handle on the end. the handle helps when things get muddy and it saves a good foot and half ovef long handled shovels. that may not be small enough for some people i know. just putting in my two cents. i also carry in a big army duffle which looks suspect as hell anyway. but the only thing ive ever passed were tresspassing 4 wheelers and i can get the drop on them as its pretty dense foliage here.


Well-Known Member
i like the found a shovel thing id made me laugh but your not just carrying a shovel i would guess. i have to make trips for all there worth just a shovel and id be ready to plant by fall. im already behind.


Well-Known Member
lol I like the I found it idea!!! But normaly no one wuld bring up "why do you have a shovel" so I wuldent be able to tell them I found it. They wuld think I just dumped a body and call the cops.

GI shovels suck you work to hard and after a foot your on your knees trying to dig deeper.


Well-Known Member
go to a military surplus store. maybe even a outdoor store. its lightweight spade shovle that breaks down and folds up. you can easley put in a backpack


Well-Known Member
and they suck the big one. those are the worst shovels to use. id never get any holes dug with one.


Well-Known Member
go ahead im not stopping you. just letting you know you can save 75% more time with a real shovel. have fun at least youll get in shape.


Well-Known Member
You can also dig a trench by hand and there's no need to hide your hands but it don't mean I'm going to dig by hand. For real holes you need real shovels not no back brakeing piece of shit shovel. It just don't cut it. The topic is on full size shovels.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea, kkday, thank you. As for the military shovel..who wants a shovel that folds up? Ever heard of leverage? Plus it seems sodalite has some insight into actual military procedures, not just a surplus store.