Stealthy Ventilation - Can anyone help?


Hi guys,

I'm looking for some advice and input on what to go for when it comes to ventilation. My temps are at a steady 80, though I'm guessing this may well change as time goes on and the need for fresh air is pretty much imperative I hear.

If anyone could provide me with some cheap/stealthy idea's, or a list of options from your own research or the like that would be awesome :D

Quite stumped, look forward to recieving some feedback


Well-Known Member

Hey Puffit, welcome aboard RUI!

Some questions:

- Where is your grow? Attic, basement, bedroom?
- House, apartment, larger building? Live alone? Neighbourhood?
- Can you cut holes in the walls?
- How stealthy indoors?


I grow in my attic and pull the air out of the top of my grow cage

It this makes my grow room and house like a bio-containment area: all air goes to the low pressure and through filter

Air comes in though floor, feeds stoma under leaves cool CO2 rich air from the house

Air goes out ceiling, feeds house O2 rich air from the plants

I pump my air into a large tub, and into my air filter in the tub. The air is redirected to my hot air heating system for reuse in the winter and the hot air is vented outdoors in the summer - cool air is pulled into the living area from the north side of the house to replace the hot air pumped from my attic grow room. Warm in winter, cool in summer.

I didn't want to put an extra vent in my outer wall so I direct to a bathroom in the summer, shut the bathroom door and leave the window open. The bathroom is always hot but that's OK, just one small room that acts as a vent.


If you would like to go over any of this please ask any questions in the Grow Lab thread below so I can keep FAQs together. I've alreaded pasted this info there if you want to refer to it.



- Where is your grow? Attic, basement, bedroom?
- House, apartment, larger building? Live alone? Neighbourhood?
- Can you cut holes in the walls?
- How stealthy indoors?

That is a nice setup you got there man, I like it. Looks like the real deal.

1. Indoors, in a mobile home.
2. Live alone, but I have prying eyes, and good ones at that.
3. Ideally no, I can't, that is the last resort.
4. So you can mostly see nothing, perhaps a disguise or something of the like, but preferably as stealthy as you can get it.

My guess it'll be difficult for you to get a good idea without seeing the space. Check out my grow journal for a few pics, and if you want more, let me know.

Appreciate the reply there man, good information in the grow lab too!


Well-Known Member

Puffit if that's going to be all of the lights you have all that you have to do is vent the box through the top and elevate the box and drill holes in the bottom - cold air in and under leaves, better air flow than from the sides. Post #7 of the Grow Lab thread linked below.

Are you putting in more lights?



I will be yes, 70 watt HPS for flowering when the time comes. I just changed the lights actually, there's a new post now regarding the changes. Only added an additional two CFL's of the blue spectrum to enhance vegging time.

Thats the point though, I'm not sure I can drill any holes to be honest unless it is completely necessary, I'd like to find an alternative route but it might just be a lost cause.


Well-Known Member

Drill any holes in your box or the trailer?

With a 70 watt HPS, ballast outside of box, you won't need much ventilation. Less than with 70 watts cfl.



I might be able to drill some in the bottom part if I can find a replacement sheet of wood for when the room is no longer needed.

Have to be a damn near identical bit of wood though :weed: