Stem Broke! Help


Active Member
We had a nasty storm last night. and where 2 branges meet in Y shape. the 2 split, and ran down. so they are both laying the ground! what do i do, can i bind them back up together? they are slightly attached, or do i cut and harvest! please answer quick!


New Member
Hey buddy. Calm down. I have 3 plants that have wind damage like that and all did was tied it back up with velcro tape. I used the green kind but any type will do. If you don't have any of that then use some string or shoe laces.
They probably won't die and will be fine. Mine split weeks ago.
We had a nasty storm last night. and where 2 branges meet in Y shape. the 2 split, and ran down. so they are both laying the ground! what do i do, can i bind them back up together? they are slightly attached, or do i cut and harvest! please answer quick!



New Member
All mine are over 6 feet so although the split was long, the stem thickness enabled my plants to still get the nutrients.
Just support the branches well before you start trying to tape them up or you might do more damage but I'd at least try it. These are weeds after all and if they are healthy it's almost difficult to kill them.:leaf:
We had a nasty storm last night. and where 2 branges meet in Y shape. the 2 split, and ran down. so they are both laying the ground! what do i do, can i bind them back up together? they are slightly attached, or do i cut and harvest! please answer quick!


Active Member
ya these were laying on the ground. sucks!. i really hope they live cuz they were really nice stalks. But you get what i mean. these 2 stems, meet into one stem. and they ran down. so ya if it works. im thinkin ill just tie them all up again some how..

Is there a way to tell if they are dieing in a day or 2? so i know to cut and harvest?


New Member
Yeah. 3 got ripped like that. one has a split over 1 foot long but thet are all doing really well. These guys are stronger than you think.

1/ tie them back up carefully
2/ take them out of the sun completely for a couple of days
3/ water them but no fertilizer

They should be fine. You will know in a couple of days but think positive buddy. Just give it lots of TLC.
While I was tending to mine I whispered that it was going to be ok that it just got a little boo boo. :hug: :weed:
oh wow i just looked at your 2nd pic. that got ripped bad.


Active Member
lmao. how do i support them? cuz they wanna fall down. are they always gunna be droopy noW? im hopeing they didnt rip tomuch to the point that they cant get enough water/nuts


Well-Known Member
you can take pretty much any kind of tape and wrap the broken area well. not to tight but snug. wrap it well beyond the damaged area. support the branches with any type of string or chord. you can tie side branches to the main stalk with lengths of string or chord to help support things.



Active Member
ok cool think i got it setup ok for now. if we get hit again w/ a storm sh it wont be pretty. i used shoelace to support it.. so this is not uncommon to happen?


New Member
Not uncommon! NO! I tied some branches to the lattice near by and the other ones I tied to a small lilac plant that was sitting on the patio table. It's been a few weeks now and the are fine. Healthy and happy plants.
My drooped for a bit but then picked up.
If they don't pick up in a few days then....:sad:
ok cool think i got it setup ok for now. if we get hit again w/ a storm sh it wont be pretty. i used shoelace to support it.. so this is not uncommon to happen?