Stem color (Obviously 1st time grow)


The system I have is a hydroponic "Garden of Ease" made by sunleaves. I Figured that since I was a so inexperienced that I would do a "test run". I had 4 bag seeds. One of the four germinated. I put it into the silica stone, filled the tub after correcting the ph and started the lights. This is a 6 gallon tub. Continuous aeration system. 3" net cups. My lighting system is a high intensity, low-hear light with an efficient Sunleaves pioneer IV bloom T 5 fixture. It has 4, 54-watt vitaLUME T 5 bloom tubes each with a 2, 900k color temperature. It measures 47 "x 15" with a depth of 2 1/4 ". All inside a Dark room with a reflective lining. (24"x 24"x 64")

The one seed that germinated is now about an inch above the rocks. This thing is only 7 days from germination. It has its first set of leaves and 2 little tiny actual weed type leaves have sprouted. The entire seed is gone now. It looks very healthy from my virgin eyes. From what I can see the root is about half way down. I have a fan blowing it lightly.

Question: The stem had a small maybe 1/4" area that is a dark red color. Everything else is nice and green.

Suggestions and answers greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Often times variety traits cause a seedling or clone to show red stems at first. If its a nutrient problem, and I doubt it is after only a week after germ.., and if it were it would be to fragile to address at this point. but if it were a deficiency problem you would be looking at a phosphorus problem. If I were you I would look at why only 1 of 4 seeds germed for you. Often times,it may help to lightly rub the seed over an emery board or light grit emery cloth to scratch the dense, hard seed coat. this helps the seed to allow the moisture to embibe the seed and aid in earlier germ. Good luck with it ..., it gets better every time.


Well-Known Member
How close are you keeping your light? at a week in you should be on like leaf set 3 or 4(the first set of baby round leaves not included. im sure your plant is fine. i would not give the stem color another thought unless you start having problems. its most likely just genetics and doesnt mean anything.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty normal. Did the room ever get fairly cold at night? I had an entire batch turn purple almost overnight when my temps dropped to 60! It started with the stems and then eventually the buds were purple.


Thank you for all the feedback. Quite honestly, I was surprised that any of the seeds germinated considering they were some I'd had sitting in my tin box for 5 months. I have some kush seeds ordered and thats when the big fun starts.

My lighting has been 24/0. I've seen conflicting opinions on light times. They are about a foot from it.

I've also found the root coming out the bottom this am so I'm pretty excited.

I'm @ 8 days and still only have one set of true leaves. Not really worried about that though cause its looking great.

I've read to change water weekly on this system so that will be my project today.

Thanks. Any additional comments/suggestions?


Active Member
dont feed seedlings in the first week, and even then becareful they dont need a lot. t5's you can be closer than a foot. if your in soil dont feed for two weeks. hydro maybe one week, almost two. if you do add nutes keep it just a wee wee bit.


Well-Known Member
Question: The stem had a small maybe 1/4" area that is a dark red color. Everything else is nice and green. !
florescent light brings that out in any strain that has the pigment (anthocyaninin) in it's genes. You have no problem.


florescent light brings that out in any strain that has the pigment (anthocyaninin) in it's genes. You have no problem.
Thats good. I added a few drops (literally) of nutes when I changed the water. The lights are as low as I can get them with the equipment I've got. I may need to get something to lower it.


How close are you keeping your light? at a week in you should be on like leaf set 3 or 4(the first set of baby round leaves not included. im sure your plant is fine. i would not give the stem color another thought unless you start having problems. its most likely just genetics and doesnt mean anything.
Well here's what I did. I bought two 45" dog leashes. Tied knots in them to make them a bit shorter, looped them inside themselves over the top bar and now my lights are about 6" from my baby. (amazing how attached you get---yes, I talk to (hopefully) her.). The lights are always cool and doesn't burn even when touched so I think we're in better shape. Any other suggestions?


When should I change my lighting schedule? Like I said, it's currently 24/0 and its grown like crazy from seed till now. The root has even broken through and is out the bottom.


Plant seems to be growing well. Found two roots now coming out the bottom. New concern is: The stem looks good but I have to put rocks around it to keep it standing up. The first true leaves are nice and green and the stem is a good purple color. Am I doing something wrong? This only started last few days since its gotten so tall. Help!


Well-Known Member
well the reason the plant isnt standing up by itself is because its prolly stretched to far,and the weight on top is causing it to tip would help,ive had some times where i had to tie up the plant with a zip tie and shit to keep it in place


well the reason the plant isnt standing up by itself is because its prolly stretched to far,and the weight on top is causing it to tip would help,ive had some times where i had to tie up the plant with a zip tie and shit to keep it in place
I'm not able to post pics (law). That explanation makes sense. The leaves are wider then the plant is tall. At what point should the stem get stronger? This is day 10 from seed and day 8 from first putting it in system.


Well-Known Member
itll get stronger,do u have a fan going on the plant?cant remember if u said u did or not,the fan will help simulate like real life as wind would blow a plant in the wild the fan simulates that.just make sure the fan isnt too strong or u can uproot the plant.but it should be strong enough in a matter of time


itll get stronger,do u have a fan going on the plant?cant remember if u said u did or not,the fan will help simulate like real life as wind would blow a plant in the wild the fan simulates that.just make sure the fan isnt too strong or u can uproot the plant.but it should be strong enough in a matter of time
Yes I started the fan when the first leaves (round ones) appeared. Its on low. Its a clip on from hyro store. I have it positioned where it is just making the leaves flutter. I know I'm probably just freaking out but in my own defense, I've never kept ANYTHING alive that doesn't cry bark or meow when it needs something. I was the true definition of a black thumb. When I started out on this adventure, I am reading everything and anything I can but still am a nervous Nelly. Thanks for your patience.


Well-Known Member
its fine we were all at that point where we were worried to much,and to be honest we are all still worreid on a daily basis about our growing for many reasons.I am here to help if u need me ill friennd u


Ok... Last night I read that I was supposed to add 1/4 strength nutes, which I did. The first true leaves are sort of slouching down, not curled at the ends. I also now have two new leaf sprouts. The color still is green. I moved the fan further away thinking maybe it was the fan. The first round leaves are dying off like they're supposed to. Is the leaf thing a concern?


I forgot to mention that I also lowered my lights. They are T 5's so I think that was ok. They are about 2"now from it.


Well-Known Member
Take all the good advice above.
When plants go through a little stress the main stem gets purple in them & if taken care of correctly they grow out of it, keep an eye on them to make sure it doesn't get worst. I make a shit load of babies & see that alot with all different strains. Peace


Well-Known Member
well id like to see pictures to help diagnose the problem.when u get some pics we will be able to help u out alot could be overwatering cause thats when the leaves would slouch down on me,but until i see pics i cant really tell u what it is or not