Stem color (Obviously 1st time grow)


well id like to see pictures to help diagnose the problem.when u get some pics we will be able to help u out alot could be overwatering cause thats when the leaves would slouch down on me,but until i see pics i cant really tell u what it is or not
That was has to be. I moved it to a different position in the box. I thought it may need more water. Lol, dumb newbi mistake I see. I just put it back to the spot it was in. now its getting a spray instead of a flood.


Well-Known Member
lol,yea well we were all new to growing once in our lives.its a learning experience and its an amazing one at stress reliever besides smoking the finished product :-)


Today is day 14 from germination. All seems to be going well. Turned out the plant didn't like the lights so low. As soon as I moved them back up the leaves perked up and growth resumed. I know this contradicts everything since they are T 5's but what MJ wants MJ gets :-) Anyhow, I've got 4 sets of true leaves and started the 18/6 schedule today. I moved the clip on fan to the top and its blowing out and added a larger fan inside. The hydro store guy indicated that this was what I needed. Funny how much it annoys me to not be able to go peek in on it but I'll get used to it. The stem has gotten stronger but I am still providing support with the made for plants twisty ties. Mostly cause its trying to grow crooked. Water change day is tomorrow. Which leads me to my question.

My ppm has gradually increased from 555 to 661. When I give nutes, what ppm should I aim for? The rise means that its using more water then nutes, right? I am not sure what to do with that information!?