
Well-Known Member
WP_20160517_15_51_21_Pro.jpg WP_20160517_15_51_31_Pro.jpg WP_20160517_15_51_38_Pro.jpg Yeah I know its not looking good but sum1 plz tell me its fixable.
I don't know if theres any peroxide in this house, maybe my niece will have some.
If this is defo stem rot which I think it is then can someone plz help me out and tell me Exactly what to do to save my plant from rotting right through.

She's in Dwc , Coco in the small pot has stayed kinda damp from the beginning which I'm tryin to sort so I've taken a few litres out the bucket to reduce splashing ,, I removed half inch of Coco frm the top of the pot so nothing is touching the affected area. I've also turned the fans up full.

Humidity has from start till now been under 40% most days and it never ever goes above 50%

Temps were hot to begin with 90f but after cooltube 75-80f
Sending my sister out to chemist as there is nothing in the house lol. If she comes back with the 3% stuff I take it I could apply it directly to the affected area and it wont do any harm???

I see online that ppl suggest to use a toothbrush to clean the area.
I don't know how far it's gone but do u think h2o2 will eradicate the problem.

will post update once she gets home with the peroxide
WP_20160517_19_33_00_Pro.jpg This is the 6% hydrogen peroxide so am i right in thinking that I should 50/50 mix it with water to get the same as 3% NEAT???
Is it soft and punky? If not, you don't have damping off. If it is soft and punky and your plant is having trouble standing up, you're already fucked. Good luck!
I felt it earlier before the lights went off above and on the affected area, both places felt the same to me,, a tiny little bit soft but nothing major. what is Punky lol?

Plant is standing up fine all by her self.

I don't know , maybe I just noticed it in time. So what would you suggest I do??
I felt it earlier before the lights went off above and on the affected area, both places felt the same to me,, a tiny little bit soft but nothing major. what is Punky lol?

Plant is standing up fine all by her self.

I don't know , maybe I just noticed it in time. So what would you suggest I do??
Punky is how I would describe the texture of a well rotted log. If it is firm you should be fine. Larger plants often get scabby looking stuff like that on them. But if I'm wrong and it is a rot, you will not be able to save her anyway. So nothing to do.
Thanks Bugeye , I get what you mean now.
I wouldn't say its punky but im defo needing to keep a close eye on things.

Personally I havnt ever came across this on any of my plants, nor have I seen it in the forums.
Have just done a search and its showing a few threads so I'm gona read all about stem rot and expand my knowledge a little so maybe I can prevent things like this happening again.

thanx again bro
Its a major issue and i dont think it will pull through, rotted main stem = death. H202 wont help,stop spraying that area with anything. Keep a fan blowing on that area 24/7 and hope for the best. What is that medium btw? it looks like a bowl of cereal.

Having had stem rot in the same place, I agree that it could be a serious issue if it's affected the flow of moisture or nutes up the stem. If the plant is still turgid (not wilting), you may have caught it in time.

Your nose is a good rot detector; get in close and sniff. If it smells earthy you're fine. Stinky is bad.

I've never tried peroxide. What worked for me- catching it early, once the plant wilts it's done- was to use isopropyl alcohol in a little spray bottle. The action of spraying it helped it penetrate. Not saying peroxide won't work, I've just never tried it.

Your early steps of increasing airflow and pulling the substrate back to help it dry are both helpful to prevent it worsening. Changing RH by a few points won't matter as long as you're already below 65%.

Research the term 'elephant's foot', might help you find a few more tips.

Best of luck and let us know how it works out- the more people see this, the fewer plants will be lost to it!
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It spreads too. This is what made me switch to coco after 15 yrs of hydro. I tried everything and couldn't control it. I lost an entire crop, switch to coco and haven't turned back.
there are some products specific for root rot - why not just dry root it - pull in up. clean root's with h20 then re-pot plant
I suspect a misdiagnoses, your wound at this stage is huge, and yet no wilting...?

not smelly and shitty like a sponge???

or above punky and frail....?

I suspect this to be a reaction to all that force feeding you have been doing

and very typical see Jorge Cervantas on YT.. the Big Plants of northern California had the same issue

I too had this ..I washed the cracks with mild bleach and warm water and applied a mix of honey and neem

honey for the antiseptic ..and neem for bugs

good luck
er Hi guys here's where I'm at.

Right, yesterday I toothbrushed the base or affected area with water and 6% hydrogen peroxide at half strength.
The brown layer that you can see in the pics wasn't that deep in places ,just the outer layer and after a good scrub with the solution it all came off.
There is a hole into the stem where the worst bit was that looks like it penetrates 4-5ml.
Compared to the thickness of the stem its not that deep but I'm far from saying that it wont cause problems.
The plant its self is or looks in very good health, its still growing at the rate of 1 inch a day. Its drinking 2-4 litres a day , its not wilting , not yet anyway.
I might as you say lose this plant , and at the first sign of wilting I'm just gona cut my losses and start over.

Still hope that I managed to catch whatever it is in time tbh but need to get used to the fact that if its definitely stem rot that I'm going to lose her..
I will post pics in the morning so you can see what the base looks like after the scrub.
Very surprised not to see this problem on here more often.
I just wanted to add that I resorted to bleach as well.
I started with 30% Peroxide n dutch zone. Then it was bleach, then it was pysan 20. Then I tried alcohol sprays and dehumidifiers.
Nothing worked. Physan would clean it up
for a few days but it would return..

Whats odd is that the plant grows completely normal without any signs of wilting or rot until weeks 4-7 all of the sudden the leaves wilt n it takes out ur plant in a matter of days.. spreads like crazy too. N my clones from the infected moms would get it too..

I took the stem rot plants n rw cubes, buried them in coco pots and it healed them back to 100% health. Only thing I tried that works..I sure miss hydro but coco can b just as good!!