Stem splitting anyone tried ?

Hemp was made by millions of years of mother nature. Weed was made by 3-4 thousand years of man finding the good stuff, and putting those seeds away to try in a private patch.
@too larry , every time I put seeds away I lose the bloody things, I found a bundle this week whilst cleaning my house.
@T macc I got a petrol grinder if you wanna take some cuts mate.
I gotta say i'm happy with my yields having said that I do believe experimenting is positive provided you record your results and present them to your peers, i think this is how new ideas are examined , developed and explored.
I been growing since 1990 when I met an old boy who's house was committed entirely to growing herb.
I thought he was potty, since then of course I have learned why his mad methods were effective.
the gas hob always had a kettle of water gently boiling , the kitchen was where he kept his clones (high humidity)
In the garden he had frames of runner beans with girls planted in between the rows (legumes add nitrogen to the soil)
the borders both sides had dwarf French marigolds which were turned over and dug in (kills detrimental root nematodes and deters slugs and snails)
he would pull a tarpaulin over the lot for a week to start em flowering and turn his attention to making his 2 barrels 1 of "shit soup" and 1 of kelp and fish heads (jess was a keen sea angler)
he top dressed the rows with some sand, sea shells smashed to bits and brown sugar mixed together to form a dust.
I truly believed he was off his rocker, my mates and I used to take the rise out of him but his green was generally very good and after a year or so I began to appreciate just how clever this Tall, eccentric, scouse Einstien look-a-like actually was, a deep sea cook for years he also made the best host lol.
Fond memories for me.
Hi man thanks for reply love reading old school grow books the reason the book gave for splitting the stem was to shock the plant into thinking it was under threat and death was imminent hence the plant pushes every last ounce of energy into reproduction kinda makes sense but don’t think I’m brave enough to try it lol

When cannabis plants think they are going to die, the natural thing for them to do is self-pollinate themselves and make seeds...

A better, science-backed, option is to use something like chitosan oligosaccharide to activate the plants natural defense system by making it think it is under attack by bugs, which increases trichome/terpene production.
Science is outcome reproducible under observation. A discovery by a scientist is no different than that originating from a farmer. The scientist probably just joined a fraternity like a pussy, whereas the farmer is a real man.


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7 days before main harvest. Used a 1/4 inch drill bit to make the hole.
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2 days before harvest. Ran 24 hours red light with the UVB on cycle. Last 24 hours, ran the UVB on its normal cycle. So plant got about 14 hours of straight darkness after the last uv burst.
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Forgot to take after pictures. I started trimming a little bit before I realized this was the bud to take pics. So this is the harvest pic.

Not the best photographer, but visually I can't really say it did much.
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