Stem tore any way of fixing it?


Regular tape or garden tape is good for this kind of thing. If your using a kind of string make sure it doesn't cut into the stem.


Well-Known Member
I use pantyhose to tie up plants and fix breaks. I watched my mom do this with her tomato plants growing up. The hose stretches with the stem as it grows. Duct tape works great too, it pop off when the knuckle forms. What you have right now...the stem will grow around it eventually its ok you could leave it , it wont hurt it.


Well-Known Member
I Read somewhere that Candle Wax is the way to go, I Would avoid Tape/Duct Tape..messy, and could possible sweat? IDK...I had a nr miss earlier, well more of a Hit...knocked Orange Matter clean over(Stem) with New Light Cable whilst fitting it in GT...Doh! gonna remove Plants next time, was pushed for Time...Anyways I've just Staked n Tied it for now, but will be keep a close eye on her.

Hope You sort


Mo(no e)

This is my first grow, but I broke the stem of one plant in two different places, and mended it with pipe cleaners; just holding everything in place lightly, and it's just fine, now.