stems purple??


yo fellow friends. i have g13 haze going in a indoor cab (not my first grow). i myself have done one other but have been around many others tents. i know enough info about growing. so anyway her stem is seriously purple and shes only a week and half old. shes also just showing her 3rd set of leaves. ive asked all my fellow friends and they have never had this. anyone have any idea whats happening? is this normal for g13 haze? no idea!

Cab: 4' x 20" x 18" (h-w-dpth)
light soure: 3 cfls 2- 65k n 1- 27k
soil: doctor earth Organic (No ferts or boostrs)
pot: 8" x 8" circle pot (dpth x wdth)
ph level: 6-6.5


Active Member
Pictures would help if you can, but if the plant is otherwise green and healthy don't worry about the stems.

My OGK has very purple stems to the fan leaves, and many plants have a purple tinge to the stem when its young, its basically a sign of growing. As she matures, I'm going to bet (since I've never grown G13 haze) that the main stalk will turn green as it thickens out. Fresh material often has that purple-fresh look to it, especially at that age.

So yeah, unless there are any other symptoms, I'd say she's perfectly fine man.


Well-Known Member
Like the previous post says I don't really worry too much about a purple stem of its othwise healthy. But if you popped from seed it am just not be a good pheno. Pics help...


purple stems can mean a phosphurus deficiency...? but could be as suggested above....eventualy your plant will shed it's skin on the stem as it gets thicker, then it should be green.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Purple stems can be symtomatic of a whole shitload of things, but also could be environmental, or just genetics. i'd say over 50% of all my plants had that at some point. If they dont exhibit any other symptoms, then no worries


Active Member
the strain I have always has purple stems on fan leaves only, or I am doing something wrong always


hey dude,
I had the exact same worry with my babies, but i can assure you it is nothing to worry about,
nice healthy looking plant you got there man good luck
