
Active Member
I was wondering if anyone knew if its right when you grow that the stem is really skinny... i'm on my 4th day of growing and the plant is about 4 inches tall and has a skinny there anything i should worry about..its an inside plant and the light is about a foot and a half away from the plant..any advice?

mr j2

Well-Known Member
What kind of light are you using? If the light is that far and the plant is looking really tall and skinny then its probably stretching. (the plant has to stretch up to reach the light). Putting the light closer would probably help, but if you posted pics that would help people on here to help


Well-Known Member
Be careful how close you put a light to a seedling. They don't need nearly as much when they are 4 days old. If you have a HID, I would recommend keeping it at least 1 1/2 feet away from it, probably more like 2 feet. About it being skinny, it's only four days old. It's going to be pretty skinny. How many inches is the stem? Get a little breeze going on it and it will fatten that stem right up.


Well-Known Member
If your under floro`s move it closer to the lights, if HID leave the light where it is.
Should have a small fan on em [ mine is on constantly ] it does strengthen the stems.
If they`re drooping over use some popsicle sticks to hold emup.


Active Member
alright thanks..yea i will try the fan and let you know how that went..i've noticed in the last couple days the plant is leaning a bit..what can i use to hold it up or grow on and how do i put it in? thanks for all your guys input..

the plant is still growing rapidly tho


Well-Known Member
a skinny stem at four days is to be expected. a long skinny stem is a sign of stretching. It is really stretching if it falls over.

Here is pic of a 4 or 5 day old plant and beside it the same plant at 33 days along with two other plants.

Note that these plants have been under 1000w since i planted the seeds.



Active Member
yea my plant is about a week old and its around 6 inches now. I've had a 75W on it since i planted it about a foot and half away from the loooks healthy i just hope im donig it right..this is my first time planting any advice?


Well-Known Member
You may want to consider planting more than one (unless it is a clone) in case it turns out to be male. You may also want to consider getting a more powerful light.

10x10 garden

Active Member
I always use a floro for the first 10 days they dont get hot at all and you can keep them an inch away from the top of the plant (control stretching)

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
alright thanks..yea i will try the fan and let you know how that went..i've noticed in the last couple days the plant is leaning a bit..what can i use to hold it up or grow on and how do i put it in? thanks for all your guys input..

the plant is still growing rapidly tho
BigAl, Take a straw, cut it to about 1/2" longer then the plant. Then split the straw length wise. open the straw up and wrap it around the plant, sticking it into the ground 1/2". This is a great way to hold up new plants. :mrgreen: