Step right up folks... Guess the correct final yield


If I was you i'd break down and buy a bag of dry bat cave guano. With a high N content like 8-4-1. Then a bag of desert bat guano 3-10-1. Mix it with a banana peel and put it all in a 5 gl bucket. Put an airstone in it with a cover. I use a dark towel. Let it brew with water temps around 70 for a day. Then check it. Give it a stir and put it away again for another day. Stir it, strain it, then feed. I use a tsp of each guano per gallon of water. Depending on your nute regime it shouldn't be too strong. If you think it is dilute a little as needed. I don't ph any of this tea. I suggest you do the same. For me, this has been a good pick me up routine with my girls around week 5-6 in flower. And the grand total cash wise is under 20 bucks. And you'll have pleny left over for down the road. Good luck!
I am definitely gonna have to try this! I've been wanting to switch to organics, it's actually part of what I have in mind for Grow #3 except I don't have the air stones or anything. I'm thinking of going to a DWC system (Tax Time Baby!!!) but wanted to get it all at once. Is there another way to make the tea without the air stone? I figure I have between 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 weeks left before harvest. So far the def is only in the lower fan leaves, it hasn't affected the upper leaves or the branch leaves. The top cola has two sets of leaves on the very top that are turning into claws, no scorching or discoloration. It can't be heat because the Special Kush is taller and closer to the light and doesn't have any claws. Still learning but for only my 2nd grow, I gotta say I'm pretty happy I just wonder what the yield is gonna be, I'd say most of the buds on all three are about the width of C battery and as tall as an AA battery. It doesn't seem like they are growing much, but I look at them so much I probably just don't notice them growing.


Well-Known Member
I am definitely gonna have to try this! I've been wanting to switch to organics, it's actually part of what I have in mind for Grow #3 except I don't have the air stones or anything. I'm thinking of going to a DWC system (Tax Time Baby!!!) but wanted to get it all at once. Is there another way to make the tea without the air stone? I figure I have between 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 weeks left before harvest. So far the def is only in the lower fan leaves, it hasn't affected the upper leaves or the branch leaves. The top cola has two sets of leaves on the very top that are turning into claws, no scorching or discoloration. It can't be heat because the Special Kush is taller and closer to the light and doesn't have any claws. Still learning but for only my 2nd grow, I gotta say I'm pretty happy I just wonder what the yield is gonna be, I'd say most of the buds on all three are about the width of C battery and as tall as an AA battery. It doesn't seem like they are growing much, but I look at them so much I probably just don't notice them growing.
Go to your local pet store. Air pump 10 bucks. Air stone 3 bucks. 5ft long piece of tubing .39 cents. Once again about 30 bucks. Well worth the investment. One treatment and you'll see why 2 days later. Better hurry up though. Bad time for those ladies to go that yellow on you.


Week 5 update, The SleeSkunk had a Nitrogen deficiency so I hooked her up with a Nitrogen rich tea. All of the fan leaves that were affected ended up yellow and dead so I picked them off, and it hasn't spread to any other leaves yet so we'll see. The Fruit Spirit and Special Kush are doing very good, starting to see some hairs turning brown very few though. The SK top cola is starting to lean really bad so I tied it up to prevent the stalk from breaking or snapping. All three have very unique smells and they are very strong, it's bad enough to make me want to get a Carbon Filter. I live in the country and hardly no one comes around my place so I'm not to worried about it. I can really see the buds getting fatter and fatter now and even though they aren't getting any taller I can feel them getting denser. I watered SK and FS today with clean water they should only have 2 or 3 more feedings before the flush. Does anyone know of any indicators to look for on the plants to know when to start flushing? My time frame is a little messed up I know exactly when I started flowering so I added a week and 2 days to that for flowers appearing. This Friday should be week 5 since flowers appeared. Does anyone want to revise their guesses? I am gonna change mine to exactly 112 grams dry weight.



Well-Known Member
Week 5 update, The SleeSkunk had a Nitrogen deficiency so I hooked her up with a Nitrogen rich tea. All of the fan leaves that were affected ended up yellow and dead so I picked them off, and it hasn't spread to any other leaves yet so we'll see. The Fruit Spirit and Special Kush are doing very good, starting to see some hairs turning brown very few though. The SK top cola is starting to lean really bad so I tied it up to prevent the stalk from breaking or snapping. All three have very unique smells and they are very strong, it's bad enough to make me want to get a Carbon Filter. I live in the country and hardly no one comes around my place so I'm not to worried about it. I can really see the buds getting fatter and fatter now and even though they aren't getting any taller I can feel them getting denser. I watered SK and FS today with clean water they should only have 2 or 3 more feedings before the flush. Does anyone know of any indicators to look for on the plants to know when to start flushing? My time frame is a little messed up I know exactly when I started flowering so I added a week and 2 days to that for flowers appearing. This Friday should be week 5 since flowers appeared. Does anyone want to revise their guesses? I am gonna change mine to exactly 112 grams dry weight.

I would start checcking your trics over the next couple weeks and when the majority of them begin to turn cloudy start flushing, should give you a good 7-10 day flush. :-)


I started looking at the trichs a couple days ago, They are starting to turn cloudy on the Special kush, I expected that because it's supposedly a fast finisher 7 to 8 weeks. Also starting to see some brown hairs maybe 5 to 10 percent. It's getting there, I just have to keep resisting that urge. My buddy told me the other day if it was him he'd done have it picked and smoked, I said " Now why would you spend 4 months watering, feeding, trimming, inspecting, re-potting, and just plain old working to waste the plant, yeah it smells good now but this isn't half as good as it's gonna be in 3 more weeks, I would just be ripping myself off trading speed and impatience for a heavier weight and potency" and I meant every word of it. I wouldn't pick it right now for anything cause I know it's gonna pack on most of it's weight in the next couple weeks.


I hope everyone is still watching! We have a new development, Special Kush has been harvested. I go to look at the trichs the other day seen probably between 25 and 35% amber. I pulled a bud about a week and a half before and when I saw the trichs I pulled the bud out of the jar to check those and they were about 80% cloudy. SK was about 50 days in, which I know is too early to pull but with what I saw I had to. The Pistils are about, well check out the pics. Special Kush is supposed to be pretty fast, Royal Queens has it finishing in 7 to 8 weeks, yielding 65 to 150 grams under a 600w M'2. Besides that the Sleestack x Skunk is nowhere near finished, the trichs on her are all clear with no cloudiness at all. The Fruit Spirit is being weird too, I have some close ups with some amber in it maybe 5 or 10%. Some you can't see but there are maybe 15 with like a tan cloudiness in the tops, it's just not close enough or something. Enjoy the Bud Porn, this SK is looking nice!!!



Wet weight after trim for SK is 128 grams, I'm estimating i'll lose more than 70% of that weight after it dries, my guess will be 38 grams dry weight. I'll keep track of all weight and add everything up at the end.


Hey I'm interested in how your Sleeskunk turned out, I have one 40 days old and it is 10 in with heavy Fan leaves. I LSTd it and then released after 4 days and now it seems to have continued to grow vertically. Did you have any phase where it seemed to have slower growth in Veg stage? What was final dry?