Stephen Harper dresses for halloween....lookie here folks


Well-Known Member
Ya we really dodged a bullet there another four years of Harper would have really fucked everyone. Hell we have one fuck of a mess now from the cons dicktator for the libs to clean up. Ps please don't name an airport after harpshit. Unless we can send stevo on the first and last flight out of the country then close the airport and burn it to the ground lol


Well-Known Member
Ya we really dodged a bullet there another four years of Harper would have really fucked everyone. Hell we have one fuck of a mess now from the cons dicktator for the libs to clean up. Ps please don't name an airport after harpshit. Unless we can send stevo on the first and last flight out of the country then close the airport and burn it to the ground lol
Plus rep for that.
Well said brother.