Stepping up from a tent to a room, please help veterans.

Hello, I'm currently planning a 3200w room, looking to harvest around 1600-2000+ grams every harvest if I can manage it. I'm thinking 10 plants in 10 gallon pots should fit in the allowed space. Going to just do a standard soil-less mix for this first grow, I've only used the Lucas Formula + Molasses + Big UP powder before for a smaller grow with very good results. Does anyone have a fairly basic feeding schedule for a room of this size with maybe a few exra things or should my current regimen be fine? Definitely looking for more yield from this than I have from previous smaller grows. Another person had told me about NFT systems by NutriCulture and that seemed pretty easy, I've never done any hydro or anything of any kind. How many of those systems would I need for that kind of yield?

The plan is 2x 600w MH + 2x 1000w HPS w/ standard carbon filter/dual in-line fan. Gonna have to let the lights run for a bit so I can see where I'm at on temps before I pick up any A/C units or anything like that. The room itself is roughly a 10' x 15' area but I'm going to try and keep all the lights and plants within an 8' x 8' area leaving me some extra space for a work area.

polo the don

Well-Known Member
If your not going to have your light footprint all the way to the walls i suggest you get or make some reflective panels to put along the edges of the growing space to make more use of the light. Don't want to waste it...
If your not going to have your light footprint all the way to the walls i suggest you get or make some reflective panels to put along the edges of the growing space to make more use of the light. Don't want to waste it...
It will have 3 walls but yeah, I'll definitely be picking something up to cover the other side if not just a heavy duty tarp.
Don't do NFT unless you have enough experience.

Make sure your fans can cope with the heat before you ramp up completely.
Is it possible I could yield 2000+ grams off 10, 10 gallon pots with soilless etc, in that size area with 3200w? With about a 4-6 week veg time. It's what I'm most comfortable with, I know I could yield more doing other things but if it's easily doable I'd rather take that route for the first few harvests.


Well-Known Member
I would guess you can pull an average 2 oz. plant some 3oz. too.
So 2000g is a good estimate there....plan on 2 tons of a/c for 10x15 room.

We use Fox Farms Grow in veg, 1oz per 4 gallon water @6.5ph ace hardware sells 1qt for 15 bucks.


Well-Known Member
Soil...we found a savings using kellog's plus patio soil 1.5cf for 6 bucks and we mix in perlite to the soil.
In veg we found 3 gallon plastic pots for 1.35 ea.
Than when the teens are 1 foot tall from clone(30 days)they go into 7 gallon or 10 gallon pots for the next 30 days.

Flower time takes 77 days-84 days to collect the most weight.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible I could yield 2000+ grams off 10, 10 gallon pots with soilless etc, in that size area with 3200w? With about a 4-6 week veg time. It's what I'm most comfortable with, I know I could yield more doing other things but if it's easily doable I'd rather take that route for the first few harvests.
Yes because on the basis that you have a 3200w grow and you do ok with a non commercial strain, then 0.5g/Watt is 1600g. It's very possible.

I have to work it out like that because I'm in NFT and not pots. In Europe we only use small pots for SOG and 11 L is considered big.

Your yield is also dependant on what strain you are running.

My first ever harvest was Critical in 11L pots and I smashed it, wish all my harvests had been like that since. Why? I experimented too much after that, should've just stuck to the same thing.
Yes because on the basis that you have a 3200w grow and you do ok with a non commercial strain, then 0.5g/Watt is 1600g. It's very possible.

I have to work it out like that because I'm in NFT and not pots. In Europe we only use small pots for SOG and 11 L is considered big.

Your yield is also dependant on what strain you are running.

My first ever harvest was Critical in 11L pots and I smashed it, wish all my harvests had been like that since. Why? I experimented too much after that, should've just stuck to the same thing.
Sounds great, thanks so much. I'm definitely gonna be on the hunt for higher yielding strains.