Well-Known Member
Thank's, man Now people don't even know how to write. Made "1984',,,Now and forever,,,Don't care personally.,,,Unless i get some of his billion's.
Apple really does make great stuff, it will last a long time, (an iPhone wont if you drop it)Steve jobs was the man!! The apple stock is gonna suffer tomorrow! iPhone and apple products are hands down the best!!
it's really not shitty. I'm using an 06 macbook as we speak, no problems, everything I need and want to do is easy, smooth sailin....RIP Steve Jobs, your shitty mac crap will live on forever. Even though you gave up on your own OS and had to implement Unix because it was better, you will always be missed by people who can barely turn on a computer without tech support
it's really not shitty. I'm using an 06 macbook as we speak, no problems, everything I need and want to do is easy, smooth sailin....View attachment 1821908
From what i remember, he did have lot of treatment, I think they did get it to go away once, and it came back. Or im delusional.With his money I don't see why he couldn't have gotten rid of his ailments? Probably did himself in after this huge flop. Still sad tho. He had a lot leftto give
lul I was just kidding I actually like macs. Not enough to buy one though. Also if you're getting blue screens your motherboard is probably dieing (bad capacitors usually) or something attached to it is, you have a virus, bad/outdated drivers, or you're just using a program with shitty coding. Those are the only reasons to get a blue screen if you're using XP or higher.Most people who talk shit on Apple haven't used their products, because they think they cost too much, but they dont realize itll last twice as long as a PC. without having to upgrade and restore and all that shit
and no Blue screen like I just randomly got 5 minutes ago because windows sucks an memory dumps
Shits crazy right. The world is getting stupider. Humans thinks they are smart because they are learning to play with the toys the smart men make. But I bet more 3rd world children know how to make an Ipod than American kids. Like if I put every piece of for an Iphone in front of you, and every tool you might need. Could you put it together? Could you make ANYHTING? Most people can't. But somehow we believe we are progressing??I just found out Steve Jobs Died, The founder of Apple Inc.
): sad day.
lol Are you insinuating that without toys, we have nothing? I'm glad those kids in Asia are learning their trade. They make our toys and we make our unmanned aerial vehicles so we can deploy our neutron bombs among other thermonuclear devices.Shits crazy right. The world is getting stupider. Humans thinks they are smart because they are learning to play with the toys the smart men make. But I bet more 3rd world children know how to make an Ipod than American kids. Like if I put every piece of for an Iphone in front of you, and every tool you might need. Could you put it together? Could you make ANYHTING? Most people can't. But somehow we believe we are progressing??
We lost a smart one, and that's one less toy maker. What happens when there are no more people to make toys? Do we realize we don't know anything??
Well it only happened once, it said memdmp.exe or some shit caused it. it didnt show a blue screen, my monitors weren't turning on, I built this computer, 3 years ago, not one problem,lul I was just kidding I actually like macs. Not enough to buy one though. Also if you're getting blue screens your motherboard is probably dieing (bad capacitors usually) or something attached to it is, you have a virus, bad/outdated drivers, or you're just using a program with shitty coding. Those are the only reasons to get a blue screen if you're using XP or higher.
My dad had pancreatic cancer he lived for 4 years, but yea 7 years is amazing.Yeah it's a shame he died at a relatively young age. He got pancreatic cancer in 2004 I believe... he survived 7 years until now. That's an eternity for pancreatic cancer... I believe most people diagnosed with it only live about a year or less... so I'm sure he got all the state of the art, super expensive treatments and medications.
Personally I hate most Apple stuff... it's REALLY overpriced, its more "style" over substance, it's incompatible with alot of programs and games. Plus when you buy an apple product, you're usually smackin your head 6 months later, cause they release a new version of the product you just bought with more features/speed for the same price or less. It's cool Jobs created an alternative to the PC though... Mac has nice operating systems and they're virus free.
Like I said, it really is a shame. He was a brilliant man, and Apple will surely suffer with his loss.
Lol I could build an iPhone if I was handed all the parts and tools. Ive rebuilt them many times,Shits crazy right. The world is getting stupider. Humans thinks they are smart because they are learning to play with the toys the smart men make. But I bet more 3rd world children know how to make an Ipod than American kids. Like if I put every piece of for an Iphone in front of you, and every tool you might need. Could you put it together? Could you make ANYHTING? Most people can't. But somehow we believe we are progressing??
We lost a smart one, and that's one less toy maker. What happens when there are no more people to make toys? Do we realize we don't know anything??
I understand where you're coming from... but it's all written down or uploaded somewhere. And lets be real, most third world children don't know how to read or write, much less put an Iphone together. But really, you don't have to understand exactly how something works to use it... people drive cars everyday and 98% have no idea how they work.Shits crazy right. The world is getting stupider. Humans thinks they are smart because they are learning to play with the toys the smart men make. But I bet more 3rd world children know how to make an Ipod than American kids. Like if I put every piece of for an Iphone in front of you, and every tool you might need. Could you put it together? Could you make ANYHTING? Most people can't. But somehow we believe we are progressing??
We lost a smart one, and that's one less toy maker. What happens when there are no more people to make toys? Do we realize we don't know anything??
A passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline/diesel internal-combustion engine or electric motor.What's a car?
Thank you Crypt. I can go to sleep knowing that I learned something today.A passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline/diesel internal-combustion engine or electric motor.
They've got more tech than us too Are you insinuating that without toys, we have nothing? I'm glad those kids in Asia are learning their trade. They make our toys and we make our unmanned aerial vehicles so we can deploy our neutron bombs among other thermonuclear devices.But I suppose you have a point.
But it is making more and more people "Born that way" as we making it "Easier" for ourselves.I understand where you're coming from... but it's all written down or uploaded somewhere. And lets be real, most third world children don't know how to read or write, much less put an Iphone together. But really, you don't have to understand exactly how something works to use it... people drive cars everyday and 98% have no idea how they work.
Thats the point of technology isnt it? To make life easier? Of course theres gonna be morons who use technology... don't blame them for being stupid. They were born that way.