Steven Thy Name Is Danger, An Original Grooooow

Hey guys, your nigga stevie from southern ontario here puttin out my first journal on RIU. This is my first outdoor so bare with me. Ive got 2 strawberry blues on the way, ones germin' the other already popped and is in the pot. Ill be using soil. Ill show you my sprout cabin:

Including TWO (i know) LED hubs for newlings:

As I said before ones already in the closer pot, while the others in my bathroom, lightin it up:

IN there I also have my eggshells drying

and my saviour

haha, so keep it locked here, im gonna show you how to grow that tom and jerry you've been waitin for.

So today I went out and picked up my supplies which included but was not limited to Cedar mulch, vinegar, corncobs, moth balls, fencing, chugged a 2L coke (which I then filled with paper towels, blood semen and piss), pepper, Cap't Crunch cereal, neem oil, epsom salt, coffee grinds, eggs, bacon, milk, mollasses and pancake batter.To be honest, half that stuff was not necessary, but well worth it. Now I had to break leg and arm explaining to the guy who owns the place im growin at (which he didnt and still doesnt kno about, mainly becuz were on less of a first name more of a first shoot basis) why an african american man, whom he despises, was lugging plant nutrients, and a well balanced breakfast to the back of his property. Having almost been ripped a new a**hole today, I have a new outlook on life, which I plan to share with you over the next few months :) I also have made homemade CO2 with the sugar, water, yeast thing so, yeah...

Tommorrow ill post pics of the grow site, and hopefully another popped seed. Im using all organic nutes and rain water so this bud'll taste Dlicious. Prepare for the ride of your lives.

P.S. Bring a BP vest, this could get ugly

Stay heathy my friends.
No pic of the grow space today due to

so tomorrow weather permitting.
Also, I have found a great High time snack for the time being. I know it sounds crazy but, honey nut cheerios and ham chunks. Now your thinking, well...NO.
But Listen, all i had to eat yesterday during munchfest 09 was half a ham, and honey nut cheerios so I decided lets get this over with. Toss some ham in the bag of half eaten, kinda stalefromebeingleftintheopenafterahardcoreseshof all night halo while high. When I smelled the fruit goodness, I quickly realized I had something amazing on my hands, one bite and I was hooked now I cant stop, which is a problem because im poor. So I urge you to try this, if your income can support it, you will be a happy camper.:hump:

And by happy camper I mean sexy monkey rockin a bed, be it by hand or two person panini.
OKay so its still rainin out by me but the girls r doin well. One almost got her second set coming through, while ones still locked in her room.

But this one came out a little bent so I had to straw it straight.
Started like this:

This is my homemade (haha) salsa plant fert. works amazing.

I use these to for pest control for the indoor period, then ill swith to moth balls and corn cobs soaked in vinegar, creative fencing and little bits of string. In the yellow container is just a bunch a herbs my mom had layin around that make a homemade moth ball, i got the recipe for google searchin it.

Here's my fan:

Its great cuz it has 4 settings for speed, which comes in handy, got her for free too.

I also have some grazz clippings in a bucket of rain water nitrolizing for homemade fert. but until then im using Molasses:

miracle gro and salsa :)

And here's me putting the girls to bed with a bed time story:

ANd two musts in any serious plant growers office:

Stone statue to pray to (penis included)

and a good start to a GRrrreat day!

This is my personal invention that really improves gravbong hits :) Its a rachet head stuck in a powerade bottle top, which fits perfectly, and the bottle filters the smoke with the Powerade plastic thinger. Thought of it during a soccer game, and almost shit on the ball during the eureka moment.

Hopefully, weather permitting, ill take yall out to tha hood where I plan on growing.Peace for east london until then.

Steve Out.

ps sprinkled the dirt with coffee grinds to bring down pH

And by happy camper I mean rockin a bed, be it by hand or two person panini.
HEy guys wats up had some technical problems, so the long and short is i have have one plants left.
I call her karen, and shes about 1.2 weeks old.
I went away for the weekend and came back to karen with a little purple on her stem, but mainly on the underside of the starter leaves, and purple striping starting on the bottom of her new leaves. AS u might b able to c aswell some of the leaf tips r turning up.

I dunno wat it is can someone please help?
other than that shes looking great, any help is appreciated, thanks :)

Also, Im goin to put her on small doses of molasses, is that a good idea?

Steve Out.
Also step my light up to a couple spotlight CFLs so that should be fun.
Hopefully i can move her outside in a couple weeks before the fam finds out shes in my room.
Hey guys karen is doin alirght, but i have some severe twisting in the leaves, so any help on the cause would b appreciated. Also it has literally been rainin for two weeks straight so still i cant take you to the grow location. but im almost ready to step my bitch up to a new size pot. right now shes under one 100 watt cfl at about 3-4 inches away i dunno if that has any to do with the twistin, but its about 22 degrees Celsius and 70% percent hum in the canopy with constant fan blow so iunno.
havent fed her since sat and shes still doin great, but tonight im gonna drop some molasses into my grass clipping water and watching the jump. I think shes doin pretty good for a lonely week and 5 day old plant. feedback is welcome.
On a side note i broke my ph tester so im doin some guess work on the water right now, but it cant b doin her any good.

Also do you guys see those preflowers that i do, or am i goin crazy seems a little early, even for 24 hour light.

Thanks everyone pce