Stfu!alex Jones Is Speaking


Active Member
alex jones does raise the awareness of corruption in society, my only problem with him is hes over the top on the crazy scale. he will take fact and spin it into nonsense. i use to watch him alot till i deleted my youtube account as that was taking over my life. i would go to youtube and see up to the date videos on my page, it had to stop. as far as im concerned alex raised my awareness about alot of topics as he would have guests on to talk. alex just confirmed what george carlin said years ago about the government.

besides if the government isnt corrupt then why isnt marijuana legal despite all evidence supporting its benefits, thats a tough one.
anyone on here think ron paul is a nutcase too?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I only watched a couple of this guys videos... All I gotta know about the government is Bohemian Grove, that shits fucked. Dave Chepelle even talks about it, how a guy asked John Carry if he was apart of Skull and Crossbones with George Bush and that guy got tazor'd right after he asked it lol.