• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

STFU dick cheney....


Allright I'm back I smoked half a joint before turning on my computer so I have burnt the sufficient amount of brain cells to deal with an arogant elitist like you.I cant serve my country cause of my emotional disability but my 3 brothers did.I water the sunflower on his grave every other day.I mourn him every day .I worry about my other 2 brothers.I take it personal every time some imature misguided partison takes their anger out on the only security that we have.I agree with most of what cheyney said ,but even if you dont ,it would seem to me that to tie the teeth of america up in legal knots .Is not a good idea,Maybe you hate america.I dont know ,Why do you want it to fail.I have pride in myself and my country and I wouldn't want nothing bad to happen to her.I dont like oboma,dont like democrates either not the people just their veiws,I was raised to vaue life,But these anamals dont have the same values and eventualy they will get a nuclear bomb and kill me.And no one will catch it in time because the president is going to have his hands tied.because of a false sence of morel perpetude.It's a non issue a teeshirt.A distraction from the real issues that our country faces.I'm not attacking any one personaly just the idea.And I know I cant persuade any body else into my opinion if their mind is made up .You just cant call people stupid maybe I am stupid .But I have an IDEA too.and if you cant accept it.than your thats your problem not mine.


Active Member
(SALEM, Ore.) - Sparks are flying over strong accusations linking former Vice-President Dick Cheney, to a band of CIA assassins who worked without the knowledge of Congress - because Cheney told them to.
The intelligence agency executed the ultra-clandestine operation behind the backs of Congress for eight years under Bush. Its new director learned of the existence of the program and put an end to it late last month.


Active Member
Hey welcome to RIU newbie............

Now why don't you leave! You, my sir, are cancer.
You sir are a hypocritical little bitch without a nut sack. Get on me about civil debate yet call someone cancer....

Hey.... now go ask your wife or mom if you can have your nuts back.

Sorry about the bad vibes but this guys is a hypocrite....

Now as far as torture goes... well being in the military at one time... it is not nice but I can tell you that the enemy is far worse than we are. Now two wrongs do not make a right... however you need to be in their shoes before you pass judgement.

Who know what kind of intellegence they recieved... there could have been an inpending attack coming or nothing at all. Better to error on the side of caution then to see people jumping to there deaths on national tv becuase a plane crashed into a building they were in... I have not forgotten that site.

War or conflicts are not pretty but they are what they are war.

What do you think the enemy does to our captured....???

Serve them tea and crumpets???


Active Member
"Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused the CIA of lying to Congress over waterboarding"

Great peace of work she is... she was breifed about waterboarding and did nothing about it... then went on to lie about ever being briefed about it. Yet she want to get in the middle of the work patriots of this country are doing... sorry but it is not pretty protecting this country.

Maybe some people should start seeing what some other countries do. We are not perfect... but for the most part it is a great country to live in.

If your unhappy about the way things are going vote or move to some other country plain and simple.


New Member
"Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused the CIA of lying to Congress over waterboarding"

Great peace of work she is... she was breifed about waterboarding and did nothing about it... then went on to lie about ever being briefed about it. Yet she want to get in the middle of the work patriots of this country are doing... sorry but it is not pretty protecting this country.

Maybe some people should start seeing what some other countries do. We are not perfect... but for the most part it is a great country to live in.

If your unhappy about the way things are going vote or move to some other country plain and simple.
Actually, Al, Speaker Pelosi has just been vindicated by Panettas long overdue admissal of CIA lying and concealment to congress. Stay tuned. I believe the truth will come out. Uh, it turns out that Pelosi was not the liar in the room. Oh, and yes I am entitled to my opinion, I do Vote and I did serve in Nam.


Active Member
Then I was missinformed. Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Also thank you for serving... you are a true hero!


Well-Known Member
You sir are a hypocritical little bitch without a nut sack. Get on me about civil debate yet call someone cancer....

Hey.... now go ask your wife or mom if you can have your nuts back.

Sorry about the bad vibes but this guys is a hypocrite....

Yes, I called him cancer and yes, I am an advocate of civil debate. His claims were egregious and deserving of the response. Was my response civil? Maybe not. Does that make me a hypocrite? Maybe. We all act hypocritically at times. The man to whom I was referring constantly abused and berated people on this board and I was tired of seeing it.

And you probably don't know what is meant by calling someone 'cancer' do you? Think about it a little more. Think before you write each post and explain yourself. For example, why does being a hypocrite equate me to being a "little bitch without a nut sack"? What does one (hypocrite) have to do with the other (little bitch, no nuts)? And if I had no nuts (because of me being a hypocrite), then why does my wife or mom have possession of them? Did they take them, resulting in the hypocritical behavior? I don't understand.....


Well-Known Member
Yes, I called him cancer and yes, I am an advocate of civil debate. His claims were egregious and deserving of the response. Was my response civil? Maybe not. Does that make me a hypocrite? Maybe. We all act hypocritically at times. The man to whom I was referring constantly abused and berated people on this board and I was tired of seeing it.

And you probably don't know what is meant by calling someone 'cancer' do you? Think about it a little more. Think before you write each post and explain yourself. For example, why does being a hypocrite equate me to being a "little bitch without a nut sack"? What does one (hypocrite) have to do with the other (little bitch, no nuts)? And if I had no nuts (because of me being a hypocrite), then why does my wife or mom have possession of them? Did they take them, resulting in the hypocritical behavior? I don't understand.....
Do they really take turns "possessing" your nuts? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well as a native ny-er who was in the plaza 7 days b4 we were attacked i have an opinion.that is,since man has walked this earth the cruelity w/ which weve treated each other knows no bounds.thru each and every conflict/war isnt the intent to inflict damage?is this not what was done when we were attacked?i/my family and friends were directly affected.are some of you trying to tell me we shouldnt have gone and kicked the livin shit outta somebody?were at war. it isnt supposed to be fair,thats why its war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Cheney needs to be in jail...How can people even listen to the war dodger...He gets zero respect from me...Its always the ones who have never served in the service screaming the loudest about going to war and how torture helps to get information...Believe me you will say anything when tortured just to get them to stop....Hell yes Cheney needs to S.T.F.U.. People like him has screwed and phucked this country big time. No wonder Dick has had so many heart problems..His heart is cold and black with pig parts...Loser war dodger

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
In 2002 and 2003, Dick Cheney ordered the torture of key prisoners captured in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Cheney says he ordered torture to stop another terrorist attack, but the evidence is now clear: Cheney wanted false "confessions" to justify the unprovoked U.S. invasion of Iraq.
Those "confessions" were featured in key pre-war speeches by Cheney, George Bush, and Colin Powell that betrayed Congress, the American people, and the world.
Thus the "Torture" scandal and the "Iraq" scandal are not two separate scandals, but one massive and historically disastrous scandal: the Iraq-Torture Scandal.
Cheney claims his torture "saved hundreds of thousands of lives." In reality, it cost hundreds of thousands of lives - innocent Iraqi lives. It also killed over 4,300 U.S. soldiers, maimed hundreds of thousands more, cost U.S. taxpayers $3 trillion dollars, and profoundly damaged U.S. credibility and security.
Dick Cheney understands the enormity of his crimes and launched a public relations war to protect himself, including carefully-chosen TV interviews and speeches. His daughter (and chief defender) Liz Cheney admitted her father's greatest fear is prosacution
It's time for Congress to investigate the massive Iraq tortue-scandel and for the Department of Justice to prosecute Dick Cheney for creating it.
Please sign my new petition to Congress and Attorney General Holder....www.democrats.com/iraq-torture

"evidence is now clear:"? Yeah if you believe in fairy tales and think Democrats.com is a reputable source for information :lol:

Water Boarding is like spit torture in the middle east. They prefer using more barbaric, "medieval" forms of torture.

I'll bet none of you libs watched the video of the American servicemen being beheaded in Iraq did you? No, instead you sympathize with the terrorists. :clap:

If you hate America, and those who defend it, so much, why not move to a better country?


New Member
I still have to say, STFU Dick Cheney. Dream team, Cheney and Palin 2012. LOL
If you're talking about Dick Cheney's daughter Liz teaming up with Sarah Palin, I'd have to agree with you.




Now, put Liz Cheney up against Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, or any of the "intellectual" Democrat women that you libbies so admire and watch Liz stomp the bejeezes out of them in a one-on-one debate. :lol:


Well-Known Member

"evidence is now clear:"? Yeah if you believe in fairy tales and think Democrats.com is a reputable source for information :lol:

Water Boarding is like spit torture in the middle east. They prefer using more barbaric, "medieval" forms of torture.

I'll bet none of you libs watched the video of the American servicemen being beheaded in Iraq did you? No, instead you sympathize with the terrorists. :clap:

If you hate America, and those who defend it, so much, why not move to a better country?
I served this country and will speak out against it when I see something wrong. When fighting monster be sure that you yourself do not become one. If America would stay out of places like Iraq and such we would not be seeing the beheading of our service men..By the way have you served or are you one of those who talk the war but never actually been in one ???? Torture is wrong an America should always raise above what is wrong and set the example for the world to see.


Well-Known Member
Dick Cheney = the most powerful, most effective VP in the last 40+ years. It's not even debatable. You may not like his policy, you may not like the man, but it's gonna be damn hard to say he didn't stick to his agenda and make it happen despite unbelievable obstacles and opponents.

I did hear a funny quote about Biden the other day. "Only Joe Biden could make Dan Quayle look like a genius." Works for me.


Well-Known Member
Dick Cheney = the greatest, most powerful, most effective VP in the last 40+ years. It's not even debatable.

I did hear a funny quote about Biden the other day. "Only VP Biden could make Dan Quayle look like a genius." Works for me.
Well we do agree....Was he great yes he was great at deceiving the American people....Powerful..Hell yes so powerful he could help lead us to a war in Iraq that was not needed..Effective...Damn right..Very effective in making money off the war with oil and the Halliburton stock options that rose 3,281 percent in one year...yup not even debatable