• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

STFU dick cheney....


Well-Known Member
Nah there are too many people talking about killing Obama online for the Secret Service to go after them all. He'd have to talk a lot more specifically and actually be offerring a reward or something to be worth chasing after.

I can't believe how much crap there is against Obama... It's as if the other side wants to make so much of a fuss about him that we'll somehow forget how big a sack of shit Bush was and all that the repubs have done.

Doesn't matter to me, they're all bought a paid for. Really no difference between the parties when both are completely owned and just playing the same game.


Well-Known Member
i begin to see why cracker is so rude to you two.
Because we hold you accountable for what you say and debate in a polite manner with you?!?!?!?! Because of this, you return with vitriol? How old are you?

You're entitled to your opinion, just stop spreading lies. I will call you out every time. And then you openly wish for the death of the president? And expect not to be called out? Holy fucking shit man!

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I was simply pointing out how far away from your 'savior and hero" comment I was politically. I'm not gonna shoot anybody that aint shootin at me. If you think the secret service is gonna come find me for what I said on THIS board your S....L......O.....W....... but then i was begining to suspect that anyway. :)

Green Cross

Well-Known Member

Cheney: Obama terrorism policies make U.S. vulnerable

The former vice president defends the Bush administration's approach to suspected terrorists as he sharply criticizes Obama on a host of issues.

By Paul Richter
March 16, 2009
.main-image li { list-style: none; text-align: center; background:#E5E6DA none repeat scroll 0 0; position:relative; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; }.main-image-info { color:#9A9A9A; font-size:95%; padding:2px 0; text-align:right; vertical-align:bottom; }
Reporting from Washington — Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday that by jettisoning key elements of the Bush administration's approach to terrorism, President Obama had increased the risk of more attacks on the country."

Here's what that attack may look like, thanks to the obama administation

"Hydrogen bomb or H-bomb, derives a large portion of its energy from the nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes. In an atomic bomb, uranium or plutonium is split into lighter elements that together weigh less than the original atoms, the remainder of the mass appearing as energy. Unlike this fission bomb, the hydrogen bomb functions by the fusion, or joining together, of lighter elements into heavier elements. The end product again weighs less than its components, the difference once more appearing as energy. Because extremely high temperatures are required in order to initiate fusion reactions, the hydrogen bomb is also known as a thermonuclear bomb."

Effects: "Energy from a nuclear explosive is initially released in several forms of penetrating radiation. When there is a surrounding material such as air, rock, or water, this radiation interacts with and rapidly heats it to an equilibrium temperature. This causes vaporization of surrounding material resulting in its rapid expansion. Kinetic energy created by this expansion contributes to the formation of a shockwave. When a nuclear detonation occurs in air near sea level, much of the released energy interacts with the atmosphere and creates a shockwave which expands spherically from the hypocenter. Intense thermal radiation at the hypocenter forms a fireball and if the burst is low enough, its often associated mushroom cloud. In a burst at high altitudes, where the air density is low, more energy is released as ionizing gamma radiation and x-rays than an atmosphere displacing shockwave."

"This is highly dependent on factors such as proximity to the blast and the direction of the wind carrying fallout. Death is highly likely, and radiation poisoning is almost certain if one is close enough within the radius of the blast, for example 3 to 4 miles for a 1 megaton atmospheric blast."


Well-Known Member
I was simply pointing out how far away from your 'savior and hero" comment I was politically. I'm not gonna shoot anybody that aint shootin at me. If you think the secret service is gonna come find me for what I said on THIS board your S....L......O.....W....... but then i was begining to suspect that anyway. :)
You're clearly the slow one buddy. When I made the comment about him being a hero and savior, I was CLEARLY joking. Everyone got it but YOU!

How does that make you feel? My god - kids these days (shakes head in shame).


Well-Known Member
Hey green cross are you the guy who had the church/dispensary that got busted recently? Is there a thread with info on that and your current legal status. I'm curious to know all about it. What's happened and who exactly is after you...

You've done a lot to make yourself a big target and you had some "how to get rich quick in the marijuana industry" thing going on. Just wondering...

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Ehhhhh, doesn't bother me two much when there are so many people who think just exactly what you stated and from what you generaly post i'm quite suprized he isn't your hero. Add these things with the fact that were on an internet board and sarcasm doesn't always come across in print especially when i'm just skimming through along with doing other things so i was only half paying attention. :)

But i apologize for misinterpreting your post Oh Great and Learned One.........lmfao.


Well-Known Member
Ehhhhh, doesn't bother me two much when there are so many people who think just exactly what you stated and from what you generaly post i'm quite suprized he isn't your hero. Add these things with the fact that were on an internet board and sarcasm doesn't always come across in print especially when i'm just skimming through along with doing other things so i was only half paying attention. :)

But i apologize for misinterpreting your post Oh Great and Learned One.........lmfao.
Yes, because based on my previous 1,000 or so posts, I am a HUGE Obama fan. Right..........

You have no clue.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Yes, because based on my previous 1,000 or so posts, I am a HUGE Obama fan. Right..........

You have no clue.

Oh sorry, i forgot your really more of a Marx/Lennin/Stalin fan.:twisted: I have a clue.

and now i close this conversation with a favorite quote:

"Those that can, do. those that can't, teach".



Well-Known Member
But i apologize for misinterpreting your post Oh Great and Learned One.........lmfao.
Great warlord, great.

Now all the people that liek to believe anything that gets said, will believe this too.

I mean first Hanitty calling Obama the 'anointed one' and everyone believing that is something that we had called him, and now everyone is going to believe that Jrh is the "Great and Learned one".
Ehhhhh, doesn't bother me two much when there are so many people who think just exactly what you stated and from what you generaly post i'm quite suprized he isn't your hero. Add these things with the fact that were on an internet board and sarcasm doesn't always come across in print especially when i'm just skimming through along with doing other things so i was only half paying attention. :)

But i apologize for misinterpreting your post Oh Great and Learned One.........lmfao.
Oh sorry, i forgot your really more of a Marx/Lennin/Stalin fan.:twisted: I have a clue.

and now i close this conversation with a favorite quote:

"Those that can, do. those that can't, teach".

Who the hell are you to insult educators? Look at the first post of yours that I quoted. The first paragraph of that post is comprised of two grammatically retarded run-on sentences.

I see your comment on educators as a direct reflection of your experiences with the educational system. To further validate this statement I site your cluster fuck of a paragraph at the top of this post.

Whats Fonzi? (besides in the field of education) bongsmilie


New Member
Cracker we knew 911 was coming. We were warned before hand and did nothing, didn't take the threat seriously. People even reported the hijackers learning to fly and asking weird things like flying lessons without landing.

Come on man, we weren't blind but some simply chose to turn a blind eye.

We don't have to be as evil as those we fight to be effective. Torture isn't effective anyway so why even argue FOR it?
You should do a bit of research into why we were blindsided..... what I posted is 100% accurate.

It was Clinton who didn't take Al Queda seriously. It was Clinton who dismantled the CIA. It was Clinton who was given several opportunities to either kill/capture Bin laden, and CHOSE not to.

Point all the fingers away you want to, but it doesn't change a thing. Clinton shares the lions portion of guilt on 9/11..... no one else.