Sticky Grows

Yeah, this way you can create fem seeds pretty easily. If you use a DIY generator you will end up with a solution with 15-18ppm's. But you need between 50-100ppm per day depending on strain. This means you need to spray her between 3 and 6 times the day.
Yeah, this way you can create fem seeds pretty easily. If you use a DIY generator you will end up with a solution with 15-18ppm's. But you need between 50-100ppm per day depending on strain. This means you need to spray her between 3 and 6 times the day.
Thanks man. Info much appreciated! It sounds like I'll need to take some time off or get the whole family involved if I'm going to succeed. 3 to 6 times a day could be pretty difficult to manage. Is that for a week, two weeks, more?
Check out the customer ratings, see if anyone used it on plants...

You might try it and the other way too on some test plants...i think you could evap water off to concentrate.

If you want, you can try my kit, lemme know i’ll dig it out, and see if you need to buy any silver wire...
Check out the customer ratings, see if anyone used it on plants...
Someone asked the question and got an answer from the seller. Unfortunately no one says they've used it for that with success. It's cheap enough though and worth a try. Lol, like I didn't already have enough projects on my plate...(:

Q:Can this be used for feminized seeds?
A:To take advantage of this, you thoroughly mist a female cannabis plant with colloidal silver every day right when she enters the flowering stage, she will start growing male "balls" full of pollen. Keep misting the plants daily until you see the beginning of male pollen sacs forming, usually around 10-14 days.
You need to spray until you see huge amounts of male flowers on the plant. This really depends on the strain. With a 10 week strain maybe until around week 5 or 6 and there is another week to factor in cuz the plant will stop growing for at least a week when you start the treatments.
When you see the flowers starting to open up collect these male flowers, dry them and sieve them to get clean an fresh pollen.
Fertilize only a few of the lower buds and leave the rest of the plant unfertilized. I put a paper bag on the fertilized buds to keep the pollen separated and keep the rest sinsemilla. 2 days later you can remove the bags, spray these buds with fresh water to kill remaining pollen and let her do her things like always. You can yield like always and have a few small nugs full of seeds. Pretty sure this way you get at least 100-300 dark brown seeds with almost no loss in yield.

You can get colodial silver probably in each drugstore in different concentrations.
Yeah, @Or_Gro you can also cook it down or reduce water by evaporation to get higher concentrations but its pretty cheap.
Easier to just by higher strength(50ppm's) and spray only 1-2 times the day.

BTW, these stuff was used against fungal infects back in the latest century. But I recommend to not drink too much ...
you may start to look like a blue x-men, lol!
Leave the other girl for another 2 or 3 weeks in veg when you start the treatments. Then put them in the flowering room.
When you have the pollen between week 7 and 8 the other plants are just in week 5 which is the best moment to fertilize them. The plants have usually already the first pistel flush done in week 5 and they would have another 5 weeks to form the seeds.That's more then enough time and if not you can leave the little shot on the plant for another week or two to guarantee as much ripe seeds as possible. You will see them anyway when they are ripe.
You need to spray until you see huge amounts of male flowers on the plant. This really depends on the strain. With a 10 week strain maybe until around week 5 or 6 and there is another week to factor in cuz the plant will stop growing for at least a week when you start the treatments.
When you see the flowers starting to open up collect these male flowers, dry them and sieve them to get clean an fresh pollen.
Fertilize only a few of the lower buds and leave the rest of the plant unfertilized. I put a paper bag on the fertilized buds to keep the pollen separated and keep the rest sinsemilla. 2 days later you can remove the bags, spray these buds with fresh water to kill remaining pollen and let her do her things like always. You can yield like always and have a few small nugs full of seeds. Pretty sure this way you get at least 100-300 dark brown seeds with almost no loss in yield.

You can get colodial silver probably in each drugstore in different concentrations.
Yeah, @Or_Gro you can also cook it down or reduce water by evaporation to get higher concentrations but its pretty cheap.
Easier to just by higher strength(50ppm's) and spray only 1-2 times the day.

BTW, these stuff was used against fungal infects back in the latest century. But I recommend to not drink too much ...
you may start to look like a blue x-men, lol!

Ok, don’t waste time with kit....
Leave the other girl for another 2 or 3 weeks in veg when you start the treatments. Then put them in the flowering room.
When you have the pollen between week 7 and 8 the other plants are just in week 5 which is the best moment to fertilize them. The plants have usually already the first pistel flush done in week 5 and they would have another 5 weeks to form the seeds.That's more then enough time and if not you can leave the little shot on the plant for another week or two to guarantee as much ripe seeds as possible. You will see them anyway when they are ripe.

Thanks rb!
It's getting close! Flower day 10 today. Planning for day 18, next Saturday. With one less plant to do things will be a bit more sped up. Well, look at that. There is a bright side. :mrgreen:

I'll get some new pics up when the lights come on today.

I'm playing hooky today. (:

Wasting away again in little tincture-ville!
It's getting close! Flower day 10 today. Planning for day 18, next Saturday. With one less plant to do things will be a bit more sped up. Well, look at that. There is a bright side. :mrgreen:

I'll get some new pics up when the lights come on today.

I'm playing hooky today. (:

Wasting away again in little tincture-ville!

Man i hope you’re hittin that outside fave oregon weather...