Sticky this! Great electrical resource.. i think, at least

alphabibbiddy boo boo

Well-Known Member
Here's a great source of electrical information that I found.. everything from how electricty works, and more importantly, how circuits work and the various ways you can rig one up. I think knowing this kind of shit is important, esp. when growing nug. Check it out, its all very simple, easy to follow diagrams, and its all that shit we learned in high school thats buried beneath the brain-resin:mrgreen:. heres the link:

Automotive Online Instruction

Helps me a ton, now that i dont need to pay four dollars a socket for my CFL seedling/clone HQ... I'd say use this resource in conjunction with the "how to hard-wire a CFL" or w/e in the CFL part of the growFAQ, if you're also trying something like this. Its just good to know how safe your circuits are, and for that matter I would also suggest getting a current/voltage meter, so you KNOW that you wont be shorting any circuits, which could be devastating to those of us who don't necessarily have "easy" access to the fuse box for our buildings..



Asshole Patrol
This is a great resource for someone that's handy with the DIY items, but most of those folks are already going to be pretty comfortable with electrical issues.

For all those folks that arent too good at the DIY... Please do us all a favor and stay away from this! Way too many people trying to cut corners and end up hurting either their property, themselves and/or others.

Good find though Boo