StickyGreenStuff - How long Left ? and a general question!

Right... a long time ago in the outdoors 'Four' lemon haze plant's were planted and left alone.. these were left outside for hmmmm.. 8-12 week's of pure vegging, hadnt even started to flower yet!..:roll: so they decided to be put under a 400W lighting system with all the gear and hit with a 12/12 timer , Boom!.. it is now 4-5 week's down the line of flowering and am just curious how long these Ladies have left untill there ready on an estimate,? baring in mind these are all 6ft - 6ft 5 in height!!:blsmoke: and stink like a jungle of lemon tree's..
And also 2 x LA cheese have been planted 1 x Budda Syrup and 1 x budda white dwarf and have been under a 150W CFL light for 5 day's now, how much water should these be getting Fed whilst Vegging??.. and here are some pic's !..



Active Member
Ive never grown haze before, but Im pretty sure they take a while to go. If your 5 weeks in you may have another 5 to go, but your buds definitely dont look ready.