Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

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Oh My watch dog
Lol good name. the growth rate is good with coco but there is a lot of fuckeridge!

I do have all the meters, but I've been using Advanced Nutrients PH perfect, and it is un-fuckable. Pour in A, and B, any other additionals and stir, PH is stable at 6 for a week. Works bitchin!

Has anyone seen the real Stigs

Nope but I got an email. He did say what happened? He's funny that way. Doesn't really talk about people behind their backs. I even asked him. Hopefully he'll be back in a few?

looks like he was banned by RIUs judge K lord almighty of free speech

Is that like judge judy? That lady should never do cases concerning cars. She don't know shit about cars except that men fix them and she's basically a man hater. lol

Been wondering the same thing....He was sick recently...Hope he's OK...

He didn't say anything about sickness being the reason, just that he got fucked for going in the political area. Some people are so touchy. lol.

I was going to tell him why did you steal my name

I my city, if you have the same moniker, you have to fight and the winner keeps the aka. Been that way since the 70's.

Well, Welcome to the Pub, Pops !

Yeah, High!

Oh My watch dog

Looks like a marshmallow for my dogs hot chocolate! lol

That is a cool ass gif. Have you seen the one with skydiving elephants? Hilarious!
I'm back! Doctor said I'm still crazy! Thank God, I would hate being normal and boring! Yesterday was my 31st anniversary but we have been together since 1980 (38 years). It is a miracle, I'm a handful...

I told my Dr. about the harvest and showed him pics, just like every harvest. He got so happy for me. He is the dr. that wrote my first recommend which blew my mind. Like he says everything has medicinal value, not like the mainstream dickheads that push pills.

Pops sorry to hear your people are hospitalized. I hate being under that kind of pressure. I'd rather fight the whole neighborhood than spend just one night at the ER. Hopefully they will come home soon.

Peace guys!
I'm back! Doctor said I'm still crazy! Thank God, I would hate being normal and boring! Yesterday was my 31st anniversary but we have been together since 1980 (38 years). It is a miracle, I'm a handful...

I told my Dr. about the harvest and showed him pics, just like every harvest. He got so happy for me. He is the dr. that wrote my first recommend which blew my mind. Like he says everything has medicinal value, not like the mainstream dickheads that push pills.

Pops sorry to hear your people are hospitalized. I hate being under that kind of pressure. I'd rather fight the whole neighborhood than spend just one night at the ER. Hopefully they will come home soon.

Peace guys!
Good to hear mate I feel sorry for the "SANE" people there's nothing like a bit of crazy to make the day interesting!
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