Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

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It is just so Fucked up that one can be convicted while out a chance to defend themselves

Join the crowd! lol.

So, now my battle plan has come together, with yall's help...
I decided the plants can go another 2 - 3 weeks, so I went ahead and bombed the room with Doktor Doom Fogger yesterday....
Next...Any survivors will get hit with the 5% peroxide spray, while that rinses off the Fogger residue at the same time...
And the soil gets a malted barley tea drench, to speed up the ripening time...
And if THAT doesn't work, NOTHING will !

Should work. lol

I wonder if those Bombs are effective against ANTS
I know a certain Girly Man who is scared shit of Ants and most everything else

Fuck ants. They stripped to the bone a baby chick in one week.


Awarded: 4 minutes ago
The Crowd Goes Wild!
This trophy is awarded when your content has been liked 1,000 times. 1,000 - wow!

Wow, I didn't know I pushed the button that many times? lol

Has that working out for you
I heard it must hurt a lot

Catchy song.

OK People Listen Up
Anyone who came over from The other site, be advised we are being watched by azz and brews
and they are running back and telling the Mods everything that is said here .
So lets keep it out of this thread, I blew up a little and will clean it up.
I hate people who use others to advance themselves and then stab the guys that helped them in the back.
Don't use real names or anything that can ID you.
I seen guys already get in some shit because of it.
Thanks Much
Hope to see all of you here tomorrow
Love Ya Stiggy
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